CNN and other media outlets are facing backlash after their praise of North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-Un's sister, Ki Yo Jung.
North Korea is a rogue dictatorial regime that kills its political adversaries without mercy, enslaves lawbreakers and starves its own people. But coverage of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, is painting the isolated Asian nation in a new light; CNN described Kim as "stealing the show at the Winter Olympics." The Washington Post also published a piece in which they referred to sister Kim as the "Ivanka Trump of North Korea" and a "political princess.".
Really? Stealing the show? People are not happy about it.
No one, including other media outlets, are staying quiet over this. Nor should they be.
Even Trump supporters are weighing in. "It's Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Un's baby sister and enabler of his barbaric rule in North Korea," said MAGA John.
Even the harshest critics of Pence are giving him the benefit of the doubt.
"Mike Pence is a lot of things, but the overseer of a literal prison state dotted with gulags, starvation, and universal repression is not one of them," Anthony Fisher wrote.
"Mainstream media often seem incapable of looking beyond North Korea's First Sister and distracting cheerleaders to mention its brutal repression," Kenneth Roth wrote on Twitter.
"Every single journalist I've seen accused of "praising North Korea" has spent years doggedly reporting on North Korean human rights abuses that I've never seen the twitter virtue-signallers say one word about until today," tweeted Max Fisher.
The reality is that the North Korean government regularly commits human rights atrocities that amount to war crimes, as Jack Posobiec pointed out.
The Human Rights Watch's 2018 report details how the North Korean regime "committed crimes against humanity, including extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape and other forms of sexual violence, and forced abortion."
As the prospect of direct talks with North Korea over their nuclear program begin to bud with possibility, the regime's abuse of human rights cannot be excused.
Pretty much, LOLGOP.