Fans of The Big Bang Theory all know it's a bad idea to try and give yourself a cool sounding nickname. It always comes back to bite you in the rear. Like when Wolowitz tried to earn the nickname of "Rocket Man" by fellow NASA astronauts and ended up being called "Fruit Loops" instead.
Now it seems, President Donald Trump is learning the same lesson. Trump referred to himself as "President T" in a tweet on Sunday where he also clapped himself on the back for lower gas prices, as if he had anything at all to do with it.
Twitter did not disappoint, picking up on "The T."
Twatwaffle is winning.
Some tried to see the positive in the nickname.
Mostly though, the tweeters wanted to Twock (Twitter mock) Trump er... Pres. T.
Still there were other guesses as to what the "T" stood for.
Let this be a lesson: never give yourself a nickname. It's a no brainer.