Over 1 million people have signed a Change.org petition to completely remake season 8 of Game of Thrones.
HBO spending the ludicrous sums of money it would take to do that is highly unlikely.
And this has led to a pretty amusing trend of posting other re-write ideas.
Mark Hamill got in on the action with his own idea:
"Petitioning the makers of the original KING KONG to reshoot the ending so that instead of being shot down from the Empire State Building, Kong becomes the star of a big Broadway musical. 🦍🎶🌟"
Hamill is likely referencing the King Kong show on Broadway, which he saw in March.
Hamill's post currently has almost 9000 likes and over 1.3 thousand retweets. Many commenting on the post agreed with him.
Others quickly jumped into the thread with their own rewrites.
Star Wars made several appearances.
Several people had their own King Kong ideas.
Some tied things in with Hamill's idea.
Some defended their desire for the re-write of Game of Thrones.
With the final books yet to be published, it is easy to see why people might be anxious for a show that follows George R. R. Martin's story instead of how the writers chose to end the show.
It's not really practical to expect HBO to re-shoot the entire season, especially considering that Martin hasn't even finished the source material yet.
Unfortunately for disappointed fans, it looks like tonight's episode is going to be it.