The entire country is over the Trump family, and one girl is truly embodying how "over it" we really are.
On Tuesday, October 23rd, Melania Trump invited 30 sixth graders from Digital Pioneers Academy to the White House Family Theatre for her "Be Best" anti-bullying campaign for National Bullying Prevention Month.
They watched the 2017 film Wonder about a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome, which creates facial deformities.
"The movie celebrates October's National Bullying Prevention Month by highlighting the importance of choosing kindness — a core belief of Mrs. Trump's Be Best campaign," said a White House spokesperson.
However, one of the kids, visible in the pictures Melania Trump shared via Twitter, is clearly 100% not there for meeting the first lady.
This girl is exactly how most of us feel when Melania says or does anything.
People are thrilled to see their own feelings reflected in the girl.
That little girl really knows what's up.