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Author Neil Gaiman Hilariously Drags Troll Who Predicted 'The Sandman' Would Get Canceled

The Netflix series, which some fans have accused of being too 'woke', was recently renewed for a second season.

Author Neil Gaiman Hilariously Drags Troll Who Predicted 'The Sandman' Would Get Canceled
Monica Schipper/Getty Images for Audible

Neil Gaiman again decided to take the bait a troll was offering on Twitter and fired back about the renewal of The Sandman, a hit Netflix show inspired by his works.

Gaiman, who enjoys toying with online trolls, has been putting up with them for decades.

This particular one represented the very vocal minority of folks who aren't enjoying the "woke"—angry mostly heteronormative cisgender White male speak for casting anyone who isn't a heteronormative cisgender White male—nature of the casting and plot for the Sandman Netflix series, pointing out specifically the battle between Lucifer and Death, later on in the series.

The troll predicted the show would be canceled.

Gaiman, well, had a mic to drop on that one.

As Sandman has recently been renewed for a second season, it only serves to highlight how rightly snarky Gaiman's response is.

As Gaiman tends to attract a snarky and word-loving audience, the reactions to his response to the troll were quick to come.

First, people took the opportunity to celebrate in the dunking that Gaiman did on the troll, or just do so some more themselves.

Many others commented on the fight between Lucifer and Sandman that apparently got the troll so annoyed, praising the scene.

Others just took the opportunity to revel in Gaiman's signature brand of petty saltiness.

Sandman has been renewed for a second season, so probably this isn't the last of Gaiman's responses to trolls.