The flat-earthers have come up with what is being described at a bizarre explanation for the occurrence of northern and southern lights, also known as aurora borealis and aurora australis.
With a flat earth there wouldn't be the magnetic field to create the majestic light shows, so The Flat Earth Society came up with this explanation:
On the Flat Earth the Aurora, also commonly referred to as the southern and northern lights, are a luminous atmoplanic phenomenon that generally appear as bright colorful bands of light. Auroras are often visible in the night sky in both the northern and southern hemidisks of the Earth.
Auroras are believed to be caused by charged high energy particles from the solar winds that are trapped within the magnetic field of the Earth. As these charged particles spiral back and forth along the lines of the magnetic field, they become visible nearest to the north and south magnetic poles where these magnetic lines become vertical and interact with the atmoplane of the Earth.
The bright visually pleasing colors commonly associated with auroras are the result of electrons colliding with oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the Earth's atmoplane. As these molecules become energized, then cool from their energized state, they emit actual light that can be seen by the naked human eye.
Auroras, both the northern and southern lights, can most frequently and easily be seen during the winter months within a 2500 km radius of the vertical magnetic field lines. This area is also known as the auroral zone.
Funny you should ask.
People are growing wearing of the flat earth shenanigans.
Okay, then.