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Dax Shepard Hilariously Shreds Tabloid Headline Claiming He's 'Henpecked' By Wife Kristen Bell

Shepard decided to turn the insult into a fake upcoming movie, starring fellow 'henpecked husbands' Ben Affleck and Keith Urban.

Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell
Lars Baron - Formula 1/Formula 1 via Getty Images

Kristen Bell's husband–The Ranch actor Dax Shepard–had no time for sexist remarks when a grocery store tabloid paper named him among celebrity husbands who are henpecked by their wives.

When Star Magazine listed Shepard along with fellow actor Ben Affleck and country star Keith Urban as being among “Hollywood’s most henpecked husbands,” Shepard hilariously flipped the script.

He remarked in an Instagram post:

“So excited and proud to share that I am apparently starring in a film called ‘Henpecked’ with Ben [Affleck] and Keith Urban."
“Have not read the script yet, but apparently it’s already been shot.”

Henpecked is the act of being constantly criticized, given orders and nagged by one's female partner.

The outdated expression–likely stemming from the imagery of a hen persistently pecking at other chickens–is often used to describe men who are controlled and frightened by their wives.

Shepard continued making a joke out of the ridiculous headline about Bennifer and Nicole Kidman's country singer hubby.

“It appears I play ‘No Friends Guy,’ who is clearly second banana to Ben’s character ‘Assistant.'"
“Keith’s character ‘In By 10’ is potentially the hardest role in the film to play."
"He, like me, probably WANTS to be in by 10, but the fact that he’s been told he can’t stay out later makes him reflexively want to stay out until 11."
"This contradiction is fertile ground for a talented thespian. Can’t wait to see it!!!!”

The gossipy magazine's list of henpecked husbands also included George Clooney–who is married to human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin–and Chris Hemsworth–whose wife is Spanish model and actress Elsa Pataky.

Shepard's post went viral with over 346,000 likes.







Some of his colleagues hilariously claimed to have read for the same part according to Shepard's scenario.



Shepard and Bell announced their engagement in January 2010 but held off on their wedding until the state of California, where they reside, legalized same-sex marriage.

They married on October 17, 2013, after section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2013.

They have two daughters, Lincoln, 9, and Delta, 7.

Many of their social media posts are of Shepard and Bell either being affectionate together or teasing each other and show no indication of what Star Magazine has suggested–which is typical scuttlebutt fodder.