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CNN Reporter Says She 'Can't Repeat' What Some Republicans Are Texting Her About Matt Gaetz

CNN Reporter Says She 'Can't Repeat' What Some Republicans Are Texting Her About Matt Gaetz
CNN; Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida faces a series of scandals involving his treatment of women and investigations into potential sex trafficking of a minor.

CNN's Chief Political Correspondent, Dana Bash, appeared on the network to report on how his colleagues feel about him.

What she's discovered isn't encouraging news for Gaetz.

Bash commented:

"If you could see my text messages from some of [Gaetz's] current and former colleagues, I actually can't repeat what some of them say on morning television."

Bash elaborated, saying:

"It's because he has not made himself popular with most of his colleagues."
"Again, we're talking about his fellow Republicans, John."
"We're talking about people who he has antagonized in the name of being ... as beholden and as loyal to the former President, Donald Trump, as possible."
"In the name of being on conservative media, being on Fox News. Being the darling of that."

Many on Twitter wished Bash would give more indication of how Gaetz's Republican colleagues felt.

It seems the Florida politician hasn't made many friends since arriving in Congress.

It's also worth noting while Republicans are willing to privately bad-mouth Gaetz off the record, many have continued to support him publicly.

Gaetz made a name for himself as a shameless supporter of former President Trump, but with Trump out of office there's no one to protect Gaetz from his own scandals.

Gaetz faces controversies on all sides, but it seems he'll have to look outside of Congress if he wants help.