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Wisconsin Home For Sale Roasted After Twitter Notices 'Welcome To Poundtown' Sign Above Bed

Wisconsin Home For Sale Roasted After Twitter Notices 'Welcome To Poundtown' Sign Above Bed

A house listing for a $420,000 Wisconsin home has the internet buzzing.

Photos of the home capture its quant interior design, featuring all kinds of live, laugh love-esque signs scattered throughout the four-bedroom, three-bathroom family home. As you click through the slideshow of rooms, you notice the adorable signage decorating the home and describing the different areas.

There are signs in the kitchen saying "Eat" and "pantry," a sign in the toy room saying "play" and "welcome" signs at the entrance.

Then, sticking with the theme, when you scroll over to the bedroom photo you see another sign placed over the bed.

In cursive and artistic lettering it reads:

"Welcome to Poundtown"

See the photo below:


Everyone is getting a kick out of it.

Zillow Gone Wild Twitter account—known for sharing odd home listings—shared the photos captioned:

"This $420k (lol) Onalaska, WI is a good example of what happens when your Michael’s obsession goes one sign too far."

Someone else captioned a post of just the bedroom:

"Welcome to Poundtown."
"Eat. Pray. Bone."

Another person noted:

"The 'Welcome to Poundtown' sign really ties the room together, does it not?"


Homeowner Lauren Hegenbarth put her family's rural Wisconsin home listing online Friday, expecting to get only the attention of a handful of local buyers.

To her surprise, her listing gained national attention. Hegenbarth and her husband have a business flipping homes and are masterfully skilled in the art of interior design.

In fact, the reason for all the signage? Hegenbarth makes them.

The "Poundtown sign" is also a creation of the mother of three.

In explaining her vision for the piece, she said:

“I wanted to make it look like just another cheesy decor sign, and then once you read it, BAM!"
"Raunchy and hilarious.”

Hegenbarth made the sign to surprise her husband upon his return from a 90-day work deployment back in November.

She said:

“He absolutely loved it; it matches our humor to a T."
"Plus, two out of three of our kids can’t read, and when our oldest read it while I was making it, I just told her it was a funny quote from a movie and she never asked about it again."
"She doesn’t care; she’s clearly used to the decor.”

The couple's three young kids' rooms are also filled with precious Hallmark movie-style signs. Many feel the master bedroom sign choice is bizarre considering young children live there.

Someone asked:

"I am stuck on the 'Welcome to Poundtown' sign, honestly."
"How are you going to explain that to the three kids all definitely under 5?"

Another person commented:

"I don't care if the house is in our price range and has absolutely everything we're looking for."
"If we showed up to an open house that had a 'Welcome to Poundtown' sign above the bed, we would simply leave."

Hegenbarth is trying not to listen to the naysayers.

Others shared the family's sense of humor.

One person tweeted:

"[I]f having a Welcome to Poundtown sign in your bedroom is wrong then I don't want to be right."

Thanks to the sign, business is booming for Hegenbarth.

She said:

“It’s clearly not everyone’s moral cup of tea."
"It’s been a crazy unexpected Monday, but I’m just taking the positive out of this experience and running with it while ignoring anything negative—like the fact that I’ve already gotten a bunch more orders for new ‘Welcome to POUNDTOWN’ signs!”