Granny is here dropping the wisdom of the elders on a new generation and we are here for it. They say you can only expect total honesty and the DGAF spirit from the very young or the very old.
This Grandma is very, very old and very, very honest.
Her birthday wish?
"Thank you very much. I hope this is my last."
Imagine how few filters you have to have left in your life to respond to a birthday wish like this.
The beautiful thing about it is that we've all felt that feel before. Every single one of us has been absolutely, positively, 100% over it before.
Detox has felt it a lot.
Grandma had those kind of vibes that people felt in their souls so she became something of an unofficial Twitter hero. Grandma 2020. Grandma, the people's champion.
Grandma – she's a whole mood.
And it wasn't long before the woman's actual granddaughter found the video circulating around Twitter.
And people really only wanted to know one thing...
Pauline hasn't answered us yet, but if she ever does we will let you know. Til then, I vote we all start working on "Sorry you're still here" birthday cards for this tired Empress of Over-It in case she makes it to 95.