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CNN Reporter Points Out The Total Irony Of Trump's Latest Twitter Attack

CNN Reporter Points Out The Total Irony Of Trump's Latest Twitter Attack

Many were offended by Donald Trump's failure to strongly condemn the neo-Nazis who protested in Charlottesville over the weekend. One prominent Trump critic was Merck CEO Ken Frazier, who resigned from Trump's economic advisory council on Monday over Trump's failure to adequately address the tragedy.

But whereas Trump took days to finally come out and forcefully speak out against the groups responsible for the violence in Charlottesville, he took no time at all to condemn Frazier for his resignation, taking to Twitter Monday morning to air his grievance:

Many on Twitter noted the discrepancy between Trump's reactions to the two events, especially considering Frazier is African-American.

CNN's Andrew Kaczynski tweeted out what many were clearly thinking:

But others were not shocked at all.

And many praised Frazier while slamming the President.

Others noted that other CEOs were fleeing Trump as well.

So how is this playing out for Trump?

H/T: Twitter, CNN Money


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