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Anti-LGBTQ Group Dragged For Bonkers Video Praising QAnon Rep. As A Modern 'Wonder Woman'

Anti-LGBTQ Group Dragged For Bonkers Video Praising QAnon Rep. As A Modern 'Wonder Woman'
@RightWingWatch/Twitter; Michael Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images

Virulently anti-LGBTQ+ group Public Advocate USA released a video lauding far-right Republican Representative and QAnon devotee Marjorie Taylor Greene as our era's Wonder Woman.

That's bad enough.

But the video itself is so wildly camp—complete with singing, choreography and garish rainbow-colored costumes—it would look right at home on RuPaul's Drag Race or a Pride parade.

This, friends, is cringe with layers.

See the video, if you dare, below.

Please take a moment to recover and collect your thoughts, and then we'll press on.

Take your time.

Okay, so. Where to begin?

Right Wing Watch's tweet about the matter really says it all.

The media watchdog organization wrote:

"Allow us to emphasize that this is 100 percent real and NOT A PARODY."

It really does seem unbelievable, but it is in fact true—right down to the hateful-but-also-camp "LMNOP" umbrellas, a derogatory parody of the letters LGBTQ+ that make up the community's name. Public Advocate USA says their version stands for "Lifestyle Mainstream Normal Ordinary People"—whatever that means.

And that's all before we get to the whole Greene-as-Wonder Woman thing—or the part where Greene-as-Wonder Woman gets into a wildly embarrassing physical fight with someone draped in a rainbow flag while two children sing in two different keys and others wave signs that say "Make the family great again!"

We weren't aware anything had happened to the family, but we wish them well, whoever they are.

Just in case all this wasn't enough to make you want to scream into the nearest void, the group also recently released a statement praising Greene's service as a national leader "for pro-family values and singular opposition to... Homosexual lobby policies and outright attacks on most Christian families.”

Hey, at least they capitalized "homosexual." That was nice of them.

Naturally, Public Advocate USA's video made quite the impression on Twitter.

Greene herself has yet to respond to the video but... well let's just say "there's no accounting for taste" and leave it at that.