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Rachel Bilson Reveals She Lost A Job After Confessing She Wants To Be 'Manhandled' During Sex

The 'OC' star said she was fired from a gig for her candid confessions on the 'Women On Top' podcast.

Rachel Bilson
Paras Griffin/Getty Images

A couple of weeks ago, actor Rachel Bilson got super candid on the topic of sex on the Women On Top podcast. Now she's revealing her honesty and openness cost her a gig.

On the May 3 podcast, Bilson broke down her preferences on sex positions, starting with her favorite—missionary.

"I like missionary. I've learned that if you want to have an orgasm during sex, you have to be on top."
"Missionary is my favorite. I want to be f**king manhandled."

Turns out, Bilson's hot comments landed her in hot water.

Earlier this week, she revealed on her own podcast Broad Ideas her confessions resulted in her losing a job.

"It's been an interesting week, guys."
"This is the first time it's ever happened to me in my professional life that I lost a job this week because of things that were said."

The OC star continued:

"A job got taken away from me because I was speaking candidly and openly about sex in a humorous way on our friend's podcast."
"I basically got a job, that I already had, pulled from me because I was speaking openly about sex."

Bilson said she was absolutely baffled at what transpired.

"A single mom, a woman, lost a job because they were being candid and honest and the subject was sex."
"I've been floored honestly. Everything was set in motion and I lost the job. It sucks."

People on social media were likewise perplexed over the incident.

A few, however, felt some things are just better left unsaid.

While justifiably bewildered, Bilson doesn't regret speaking on the topic.

"I haven't said anything inappropriate!"

But she did state that perhaps she could have expressed things differently.

"Choice of language."
"If I could go back, now knowing I lost a job, maybe I would say it differently."

She finished:

"But I still wouldn't not say it."