If you're ever having a bad day, consider that there are any number of comforting facts to help you get through the day. For example, did you hear that Malala Yousafzai, who became an internationally recognized advocate for women's educational after members of the Taliban shot her for her insistence that she go to school, recently graduated from Oxford University?
After Redditor ExtraterritorialBird asked the online community, "What are some VERY comforting facts you know?" others chimed in and gave us some reasons to smile.
"It's considered..."
In Switzerland, it is Illegal to own just one guinea pig because they are very social animals. It's considered animal abuse to only have one.
"Your body..."
Your body is home to its own unique ecosystem, the human gut. Sounds gross, but billions of little creatures living inside you are helping you digest things, dispose of waste, and survive natural toxins in the food you consume.
If you ever feel like you're useless, or that your existence means nothing, that's not true. You literally mean the world to your gut flora.
"Every last one..."
All those embarrassing/cringy memories that come flooding into your mind when you least expect it?
Nobody else remembers them.
Every last one of us has them, it's part of this complicated process called living. While you're busy remembering yours', everyone else is remembering their own.
Its in the past, nothing you can do right now can make it any better; chalk it up as a lesson and reap the experience.
"So some zoos..."
Cheetahs are very shy animals. So some zoos give them support dogs like those for humans. Its the cutest thing ever.
"My boyfriend..."
My boyfriend has a panic and anxiety disorder. Whenever he gets a panic attack, one of our cats will sit on him and purr loudly. It always comforts him and calms him down. We always joke that she is our little support animal.
She is very attuned to our emotions and feelings. When my grandmother passed away and I was very sad, she would not leave me alone. She would just sit next to me in silence or occasionally let out a small mrew to inform me she was still there.
So, in conclusion, even if you are having a shit day, your pet still loves you.
"You've made it through..."
Think of all the worst days of your life.
You've made it through every single one of them and are still going strong. There's always another day on the other side.
Whenever I've experienced heartbreak or something scary or intimidating, I remind myself Im not the first person ever to have gone through and for some reason I always find it comforting. I'm not the first person to be scared or sad and thousands of others have gotten through what I'm going through and if they can get through it, why can't I?
"...the girl who was shot in the head..."
Malala Yousafzai, the girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban for insisting on going to school, recently completed her final exams at the University of Oxford.
"Given all the atoms..."
Given all the atoms in the universe are recycled in various ways (having formed in the first stars), our entire body has already experienced billions of years of each atoms own personal history. Even more comforting, it's plausible those atoms will eventually become part of someone else in the future and will continue to exist in various forms - transforming continuously - until the end of time itself. So in a way, we're connected to something absolutely eternal and our ultimate fate is to be spread across the stars. Hell, depending how deep you want to get, there's also a tiny, tiny chance that your pattern of DNA will form entirely by chance again, creating someone that is biologically you but with a whole new memory, experiences and history. Basically, everyone and everything is connected. The best part? None of this is based on religion or wishful thinking, it's actual established and current scientific fact.
"It's never too late..."
Van Gogh didn't start painting until his late twenties. Shonda didn't write Grey's Anatomy until her thirties. Samuel L Jackson didn't get his first big role until his 40s.
It's never too late to be who you might have been.
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