Did you know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell? And that in literature water represents change? Because that's about all I remember from grade school. We all had to sit through these pointless lessons, and then learn about taxes and stuff on our own later in life. SO what should be taught in school? These Redditors have some ideas.
u/ClickTheWolf asked: What's something that should be taught in schools that isn't?
Critical thinking as opposed to mass memorization and regurgitation.
I teach 6th grade science and most of it is rote memorization at its core, but I mainly try to make it as "hands on" as possible, so they have to think through the investigation. I also, have days where we just do brain-teasers. I tell them that I don't care if they finish, or even get the right answers, I just want them to try and really think creatively and critically.
Learn it to the tune of "Stayin' Alive".
GiphyPractical medicine.
Specifically CPR and first aid. Those kinds of classes can easily be taught in under 10 hours, and offer a lifetime of important skills.
I'm amazed that I never got taught these things at any point throughout school, but had to instead pay money to take classes taught at the local college.
This would be helpful.
Financial Literacy it's disheartening to see the number of people who do not understand the basics of interest, debt and saving money.
I'd like to see high school students calculate their prospective incomes after college for different majors with different student loan debts. 17 year olds are being asked to pick careers and take out 10s of thousands of dollars in debt and yet many have no idea about how much debt is reasonable/unreasonable.
A lot of us could use that now.
How to get a job.
That's a good one. Like practice how to do interviews and make resume?
Wish I knew this...
GiphyThere is other options besides college.
I'm sure that there are a lot of sh*tty engineers running around that could have been fantastic tradesmen.
Yes to all of these.
Sign language. How to have be comfortable in you're own skin. How to pluck up the courage to phone business/doctors to book appointments. How to do taxes. Adulting for dummies. How to process anxiety/panic attacks healthy.
Mine too.
Financial literacy. Emotional intelligence. My life would be completely different if I had learned these things as opposed to when the war of 1812 was, and mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell.
Sadly, yes.
GiphyIn America, it should be gun safety.
We watched gun safety videos in my shop class. I agree, though, if we have the right to bear arms, we should be including gun safety in public education.
Trade school is an option,
How much money you can make in the trades. They should call in a plumber, an electrician, an HVAC guy, etc. and have them go down the line saying, "I'm a ______. I went to school for ________ years and now I make _________ a year."
College tuition would plummet.
Accurate history of Indigenous people and how horribly they were treated (mass murders, residential schools, stolen land, etc), and current information on them especially in regards to communities without proper housing and/or access to clean water/electricity.