Money is NOT the root of all evil. It can be arduous and it can cause extremely difficult situations but it can also make life far more comfortable and stress free. Money can't buy you class, humanity or truth but it can buy you happiness... even the simple. superficial.
Redditor u/Dougyparker wanted to some truths about having cold hard cash that we're always wondering by asking.... What have you purchased that disproves the old adage "Money can't buy happiness"?
Damn straight.
A new mattress. I wake up feeling refreshed instead of groggy now, and sleeping well makes me feel happy. DeathSpiral321
Damn straight. My wife and I paid an insane amount of money for a two-sided, dual controlled temper-pedic bed. We each have a remote to control our own head and foot elevation. And every night for the last eight years as we climb into bed each of us makes loud happy noises as we climb in and pull the covers up. No more back pain, no stiffness in the morning, just comfort and good sleep. Cheerio13
Debt and mortgage free. Bliss! OoLaLana
Seriously, this would be it for me. I'm a weirdo because when I fantasize about winning the lottery I fantasize about paying off my mortgage and all my bills. Like I literally envision getting a mortgage payoff amount from the bank and going online and making payments. anitabelle
Vacations. Being able to go anywhere anytime. Explore, live in a nice hotel, have other people make your food and clean your room. Travel brings happiness and it costs money. thefriendlypuffin
Goodies for the backyard wildlife......
Goodies for the backyard wildlife. I don't even want to say what I spend on snacks for wild animals. They make me happy, though. I get stupidly excited to see how stupidly excited they are for free easy snacks. I've even bought medication for one when I couldn't get any help from animal clinics and shelters, it made me happy just watching him recover. Alt_Because_Stuff
1000% this......
Therapy sessions. FrogginBullfish
1000% this. First off, what the hell is happiness? What does that even look like? Therapy has helped me start answering these questions and build a life that looks like how I want it. twirlingpink
My dog. I paid money for my dogs and there's nothing that makes me happier. Outlander56
I got my dog through marriage (does that make him my step-dog?), best decision of my life! But, yeah, still not free. imnotfunnybutitry
Same Old...
Some good damn food, tickets to the movies, and video games. Seriously, people underestimate the value of going to the movies by yourself, it's cool as heck. Lo-Fi_Kuzco
Gym membership. I bought self esteem. InfinitePizzazz
Exactly. He bought the opportunity to work for self esteem, not self esteem itself. Getting a gym membership isn't a ticket to confidence; I know a guy who has said many times that he would go work out every day and lasts a max of two in a row. Dialgalazer