We will rise again. We will, one day, see freedom and breathe air that is not directly outside our home. This quarantine will be a distant memory and when it is you know everyone is going to go CRAZY!!!! I think we'll see people just running in circles for the sake of the fresh air. All of the small things we took for granted are amplified and now we know what matters most.... every small little thing adds up to making lives full.
Redditor u/IanRockwell wanted to know what everyone is planning the second is upon us by asking.....
What are you most looking forward to doing once we get on the other side of this pandemic?
GiphyA vacation since I don't get to stop working now. TheSweatyFlash
Ditto. However phones not ringing is nice and at least I'll clear my backlog. jplevene
Being Able....
Be able to go places. Not actually going, just being able to. Boraxo
I will go days at a time without leaving my house and not really care, but when something happens where I couldn't go outside even if I wanted to (this, or that cold snap we had a few years back where you'd get frostbite in minutes), I immediately go stir crazy and desperately want to go somewhere. LadyFoxfire
The Cut.
Getting my hair cut. didsomeonesaydonuts
Yeah, I'm really on the edge of doing it. I really need one already and have been thinking of doing it anyways. There's no one here to talk me out of it and it'll probably grow back before I need to go back out. TommyRobotX
The Chest....
Not wondering if my mild chest pain is the coronavirus or just anxiety from the coronavirus. niobiumnnul
I noticed something similar where I'd start to feel like I was having difficulty breathing. But when I noticed that it seemed to go away whenever I was able to get my mind off of the virus, I realized it was just the anxiety getting to me. Having said that, I do have a heart issue and other health concerns so I'm not looking forward to getting this virus. Zolo49
Reaching Out.
GiphyThis has really driven home how asocial I had really become... My schedule has literally not changed. I realized that I really need to get out and change that. RallyX26
Uncover your Mouth.
Getting coughed on by strangers in the street during large gatherings and then touching my face and never washing my hands. dudesky1325
I might go fancy bidets with dryers after all this. Why am I fighting the hordes just to wipe my butt with some processed tree material like a savage with a leaf. I am ready to move on I think. AppleSlacks
A Pint.
Sitting in my local with a nice pint of Guinness watching football, I will never take that for granted again.
Edit: Holy crap, my first award and I was not expecting this many upvotes! Thank you friends! Guess we are all missing this feeling, stay safe and stay strong 💪. StonchPigeon
I remember this guy had to start a new channel because he forgot the password to his account after a computer reboot, lol. Looks like he's really bounced back from that, and getting covered on some big news sites today is really going to make his channel blow up. red_sutter
Off to Target.....
Go to the grocery store with my kid, walk through the toy sections. Let him walk around and choose his favorite stuff. Just be normal again. PartyOfSpecialThings
My young kids begged me to take them to the grocery store last week. They love going because I always let them pick out a fun kid friendly dinner to cook and pick out the ingredients, and then they get to pick out a cheap toy or a candy when we're done getting stuff. They love picking a new cereal or a new snack to try.
My oldest (5) is old enough to sort of understand why we cant go right now, there are germs out there right now, and we might get sick if we go, and we could make other people sick. He gets it, he just doesn't like it. Pm_me_baby_pig_pics