2019 is a done deal. That's okay. 2020 is gonna be better. So lets purge. Let us all gather and let go and release all that no longer serves us. Anything 2019 that plagues us, holds us back. new resolutions are underway. A new year, a new beginning.
Redditor u/these_pretzels_suck wanted to know who didn't live up to the best of what 2019 had to offer by asking... What's your biggest regret of 2019?
Counting pennies....
GiphyProbably not paying too much attention to my car, and I let a thing get worse and worse, and I ended up having to fix it for $2.3k, which depleted most of my savings and set me back economically quite a bit. ImInJeopardy
Getting into a car accident that cost me my legs tops any regret I've ever had. Reddit
I am a fairly recent amputee, (right AK). It is an understatement to say that it is a huge life adjustment. I've heard that it isn't twice as hard to be a bilateral amputee - it is 10 times as hard. WEugeneSmith
September of 2018....
Things got hard with the man that I love and instead of stepping up I ran. I did this in September of 2018. I'll carry the regret with me into 2020. savvy-skyy
I ran twice. The first time was when I first met my husband. The second time I ran was because I was having an emotional breakdown and didn't know what to do. I ran and for four months I lived with friends. I finally came out of the fog and depression and ran home. That was 3 and a half years ago and we are stronger than ever. Sometimes running back is ok. My husband and i used to fight all the time because i was trying to push him away and never felt good enough for love. It's been really rough but now it's amazing. AngelFears1676
Off the Rails....
Going off my medication. I'm ridiculously manic. LonelyPauperLonelyPauper
Went off my meds in September. Can't remember why. Been super suicidal since, 0/10 would not recommend. iplaytoomuchdnd
Sooner than Later...
Not standing up for my free time sooner. Just because I don't have kids doesn't make my time any less valuable. 291000610478021291000610478021
Sometimes you just gotta say no. Had a friend of my aunt who wanted massive amounts of junk hauled away, for free. Heavy junk. She said I was the only person who could do it because I had a pickup truck and no kids so I'd have time. She had sons and grandsons close by, but they had already hauled away the good stuff. I declined and made no excuses. If she were alone in the world, I'd have gone. But I'm not wasting my day off hauling away the junk deemed worthless by her kinfolk who live two minutes away. LiquidSoCratesLiquidSoCrates
Taking as long as I did to get help with my mental health. I'm so glad I did, but hell, I should have done so six months earlier. SufficientAnonymity
Mental illness is like living in a huge mansion with loads of windows. Each week a window closes. It gets dark so slowly you don't realize you are living in darkness. Lard_Baron
GPA Drop....
Not putting more effort into school work. GPA dropped.... drlqnr
Same. I was just thinking my answer would have been doing better in my first Calculus class. I let a bunch of other stuff take priority and it took me from a 3.85 to around a 2. BrandlockshearBrandlockshear
'weight loss journey'
Not trying to lose weight sooner. I started my 'weight loss journey' in August and I've dropped 41lbs since. If I started at the beginning of the year like I intended to, I'd probably have lost the entire 80 lbs instead of only being halfway. itsashleyjohn
Today is a new day.
GiphyEnding my gym membership in January and not exercising the whole year. After putting on 25 pounds, I decided to join the gym again recently. DeathSpiral321
Today is a new day. You made a start, took the first step. Look at every day as a day where you can do something, no matter how small, and pretty soon you will see a difference in how you feel and then how you look and then how you feel about yourself. It is just a series of tiny choices you make each day and you CAN do it. Before you think I am blowing smoke up your butt, I have lost 65 lbs in the last 4 years by just making small efforts each day. Some days were good, some were bad and some were great. But every small step I took have added up from being 228 lbs to being 163 this morning. Not yet at my goal, but I know I can do it. And so can you. ExGomiGirl