A middle-aged man with anger issues caused a scene at a Long Island bagel shop and fired off misogynistic comments. Not exactly the way everyone wanted to start their busy day.
A video clip of his tirade quickly made the rounds on social media.
In the video, the man huffed about his terrible experience being on dating apps.
He fired off at female employees and female customers, yelling:
"Why is it OK for women to say, 'Oh you're 5 feet' on dating sites — you should be dead. That's OK?"
He continued:
"Everywhere I go I get the same f–king smirk with the biting lip."
According to The NY Post, Bagel Boss employees said the vertically challenged customer was not a regular.
The store's manager said the man walked in around 9 a.m. on Wednesday and was "screaming about the dating sites and how women hate him."
Suddenly, it was open season for the female customers inside the store until a larger male customer put an end to the scene by tackling the angry man.
Watch the video below.
from JusticeServed
Leading up to the moment where his face met the floor, the guy violently addressed the gentleman who told him to "calm down."
"Shut your mouth. You are not God or my father or my boss."
The fired up customer added:
"Dude, do you want to step outside?"
There was no need to leave the premises since the good Samaritan nimbly put an end to the episode like a boss.
Diana Reyes, 18, filmed the incident while there with her three friends and recalled one of them tried to intervene.
"My friend was like 'She's just trying to do her job, leave her alone.'"
But her attempt to defend the female employees be verbally abused by the out of control man only turned his ire towards female customers instead.
So Reyes hit the record button in the event:
"God forbid anything happened."
"It was insane. I personally never have heard anyone say that but to be there in person, it's insane to see that someone has that mind process."
The manager, whose name is Patty, said one of her female employees initially greeted the man with a smile.
Most people would smile back; he's not most people.
Patty added:
"He just went totally nuts. He said 'why are you smiling at me? 'He started saying it's because I'm short and nobody wants me."
"This is crazy but the man was very upset he was short; he went off on the women about dating sites."
Twitter had their thoughts on the man's character flaws.
There is a sequel to the video.
While many ridiculed him, others noted that his instability is not to be taken lightly.
Some were sympathetic.
While others were less forgiving for his misogyny.
The viral video even grabbed the attention of internet socialite Chrissy Teigen, who wanted ringside seats.
She tweeted:
"Do bagel boss-esque situations/fights happen often??? I need to witness one of these in person. this could be the thing that drags me out of my house. where do I need to post up with my camping chair??"
Not only is he an unpleasant misanthrope, but the dude is also a bagel thief. He five-fingered his whole wheat bagel with egg white and Swiss cheese.
And it turns out he has his own YouTube channel.
It's... a lot. Maybe, just maybe, he isn't single because he's short.
What are the chance?
The book Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny is available here.
"Misogyny is a hot topic, yet it's often misunderstood. What is misogyny, exactly? Who deserves to be called a misogynist? How does misogyny contrast with sexism, and why is it prone to persist - or increase - even when sexist gender roles are waning?"
"It argues that misogyny should not be understood primarily in terms of the hatred or hostility some men feel toward all or most women. Rather, it's primarily about controlling, policing, punishing, and exiling the 'bad' women who challenge male dominance."
"And it's compatible with rewarding 'the good ones,' and singling out other women to serve as warnings to those who are 'out of order.' It's also common for women to serve as scapegoats, be burned as witches, and treated as pariahs."