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Kim Kardashian Barely Recognizable With Ultra-Short Hairdo For Fashion Photo Shoot

The reality star showed off the drastic new look for the cover of 'CR Fashion Book'—and nobody knows what to make of it.

Kim Kardashian
James Devaney/GC Images

Reality star Kim Kardashian made people stop and stare as she debuted a new look for the cover of CR Fashion Book.In the photoshoot, she departed from her usual glammed-up appearance and instead opted for a white tank tops, glasses, thin brows—and a slightly grown-out buzz cut.

It's the last point that made people do a double-take, as Kim Kardashian's overall look is very much associated with her long hair.

People were begrudgingly approving.

She was nearly unrecognizable.

Some folks weren't impressed, and starting making comparisons.

A couple people said she reminded them of another famous female celebrity.

It's all part of a larger shift, people pointed out.

Simplicity is key.

Kardashian was seen recently wearing her trademark super-long extensions, so the jury's still out on whether this is an actual haircut for her, or a temporary one for a photoshoot.