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'SNL' Alum Jay Pharaoh Shares Video Of LA Cop Kneeling On His Neck After Being Wrongfully Detained

'SNL' Alum Jay Pharaoh Shares Video Of LA Cop Kneeling On His Neck After Being Wrongfully Detained

In solidarity with the nationwide anti-racism protests which have highlighted the systemic mistreatment of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) by police, Saturday Night Live alumni Jay Pharoah released a video of himself being wrongly and aggressively detained by the LAPD on April 26.

In the video, shared to Instagram, the comedian shows surveillance footage of four officers approaching him, guns drawn, as he takes a jog.

The officers then pin Pharoah to the ground and kneel on his neck, as an officer did with George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Pharoah comments:

"They put me in cuffs, the officer took his knee, put it on my neck. It wasn't as long as George Floyd, but I know how that feels."

Pharoah also notes that the encounter took place on April 26, a week before footage of Ahmaud Arbery's killing went viral and that he could have "easily been an Ahmaud Arbery or George Floyd."

The comedian tells the officers that if they Google his name "you will see that you made a big mistake."

The police release him a moment later, telling Pharaoh he matched a suspect's description of a "black man in this area with gray sweatpants on and a gray shirt."

To conclude his video, Pharoah reenacted the officer kneeling on his neck, saying:

"We as a country can't breathe anymore. We are tired, we are sick and we are tired of it. I can't breathe."

The Los Angeles Police Department is reportedly investigating the incident.

Twitter was infuriated by the way Pharoah was treated.

It's time for racial profiling and discrimination against minorities to end.

FBI and independent statistics for stops, searches, detainments, tickets, fines, arrests, prosecutions and penalties all show a distinct racial bias in policing and across the justice system.

Protests continue all around the country to try and halt the continued systemic racism that's affecting BIPOC every day.