Like Instagram before it, and Vine and Twitter before that, (and Facebook and MySpace before those), the newest social media platform, TikTok, has taken over our feeds with the kind of wildly creative videos and expertly hilarious memes we so desperately need right now.
And as with all those other platforms, TikTok recently made the jump from teens and young adults to the celebrity set.
Which leads us to today's story. Actor Jack Black has brought his brand of wacky (and, it must be said, extremely agile) comedy to TikTok and it is a blessing for these times!
Like most of us, Black is heeding orders to quarantine and it seems confinement has once again led to creative brilliance. Black logged onto TikTok this week and served us an epic dance routine, to which he gave the title "#StayAtHome Dance" on his Instagram.
And, well, it's everything we could have ever dreamed of.
As retired NBA player Rex Chapman put it on Twitter, it's a tiny "silver-lining" to all these dark clouds of late.
What's astounding about this is the grace and agility with which Jack Black moves.
As USA Today's Nate Scott so aptly put it:
"He also has that rare agility you occasionally see in bigger fellas (Chris Farley had it), which allows him to switch between bumbling doofus and graceful ballerina and back again, all in a moment or two."
Truly, the mind reels.
His graceful opening pirouette makes one wonder, "Is Jack Black secretly a classically trained dancer?"
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And those kicks!
Who among us could ever manage kicks that high in our entire lifetimes (and at Black's 50 years of age no less) let alone off the cuff in a TikTok video?
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But the true zenith of Black's comedic and choreographic skills is the moment he turns a fumbled cowboy hat into a winkingly hokey joke and then turns that into a series of expertly executed leaps and jumps.
Is Jack Black secretly one of the celebrated "Ten lords a-leaping" immortalized in "The 12 Days of Christmas"?
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Your fave could never.
Naturally, the internet is in love with TikTok's latest star.
What else is there to say?
Thank God for Jack Black, social media, and the combination thereof.
Long live the new Lord of the Dance!