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Comedian Recalls How Gospel Radio Station Accidentally Played Same Rap Song For 4 Straight Hours πŸ˜‚

Comedian Recalls How Gospel Radio Station Accidentally Played Same Rap Song For 4 Straight Hours πŸ˜‚
Facebook, @roywoodjr (Twitter)

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah correspondent, Roy Wood Jr., recently took to Twitter to celebrate and recount a compelling day in his past.

The comedian ruminated on a day when he served as a Disc Jockey for WAGG Heaven 610/1320 Cox Radio in Birmingham, Alabama.

In his Twitter thread, readers learn about a day when he and a fellow DJ mistakenly played "Just Like Candy" by 8Ball and MJG on a gospel station. And not just once. For 4 hours straight, no commercial breaks.

He explains the process behind Sunday morning radio DJ-ing (as it was a Sunday), divulges how the mistake was made, and provides some hilarious commentary in the process.

Read the thread below.

Twitter couldn't get enough.

This person predicted a leap in "Candy" streams after Wood Jr.'s tale.

This Twitter user thinks that the lack of technology that year helped hide their tracks.

And this lady felt like, "interpretation [of the song] is in the eye of the beholder".

But mostly, people couldn't stop laughing.

H/T: Twitter, Fader