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Fox News Video Of Mitch McConnell Bragging And Laughing About Blocking Obama's Court Nominations Is Pure Supervillain

Fox News Video Of Mitch McConnell Bragging And Laughing About Blocking Obama's Court Nominations Is Pure Supervillain
Fox News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) prides himself on using his power to obstruct any and all Democratic initiatives in the Senate—even blocking former President Barack Obama's constitutional right to appoint a vacant Supreme Court seat.

McConnell famously blocked consideration of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court for over a year, paving the way for now-Justice Neil Gorsuch after President Donald Trump's 2016 victory.

McConnell, who calls himself the Grim Reaper for his eagerness to let bills passed by the House die in the Senate, appeared on far-Right Fox News host Sean Hannity's show to brag about this.

Watch below.

After McConnell called the blocking of Garland the most important career move of his life, Hannity said he was shocked that Obama left so many judicial vacancies empty across the nation.

McConnell accurately said:

"I'll tell you why. I was in charge of what we did the last two years of the Obama investigation."

Trump often touts the historic number of judicial appointments he's had confirmed in his tenure of office, citing the empty judicial seats left by Obama as a testament to his strength in contrast with Obama's so-called weakness.

In reality, McConnell blocked a huge amount of Obama's judges from even being considered by the Senate. He's done the same with hundreds of bills put through by the Democratic House of Representatives, despite Republicans claiming the House hasn't achieved anything in its so-called obsession with impeachment.

His shameless partisanship demonstrated in the Hannity interview has earned him quite the reputation.

There is hope: you can donate to McConnell's 2020 challenger, former Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath here.