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Eric Trump Dragged After Absurdly Demanding A 'Manual Recount Of Every Ballot In The Country'

Eric Trump Dragged After Absurdly Demanding A 'Manual Recount Of Every Ballot In The Country'
Scott Olson/Getty Images

After Donald Trump lost the election to President-elect Joe Biden, who won the popular vote by four million votes, the soon-to-be former President's son Eric demanded a recount of every ballot in the country.

On Sunday, Eric Trump posted a Breitbart article about a delay in the counting of votes due to a "glitch" in another county in Georgia.

He wrote in his tweet:

"Software from hell! There needs to be a manual recount of every ballot in this country right now!"

Twitter did not hold back when it came to ridiculing Trump's middle son.

The hits just kept coming and Eric's critics pulled no punches.

Despite Donald Trump's and his supporters' claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election, any evidence supporting those claims remains to be seen.