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Colorado Woman Chases Black Man Out Of Neighborhood Until She Realizes She's Being Recorded

Colorado Woman Chases Black Man Out Of Neighborhood Until She Realizes She's Being Recorded

A video of a White woman chasing a Black man out of a Denver, Colorado neighborhood while walking her dog has gone viral.

But unlike most of the recent videos of such encounters, this one takes an abrupt turn. When the woman realizes she's being filmed, she makes an about face and can't seem to get away from the incident fast enough.

The video was taken by a younger woman who was also walking her dog, and appeared on Twitter yesterday.

Warning: video contains NSFW language

The video has racked up over three million views as of this writing.

In it, a White woman walking her dog is seen following a Black man down the street while confronting him. Most of the woman's words cannot be clearly heard, but she can be heard telling the man to "Get out of here" multiple times.

In the video, the Black man calmly refuses multiple times to engage with her.

"I'm not having a conversation with you. You're interrogating me."
"How are you following me and telling me to get out of here."
"We're not gonna talk. You're gonna go do your thing and I'm gonna go do my thing."

At one point, the woman can be heard cursing at the man:

"You fuc*head, get out of here."

Local ABC affiliate KMGH spoke with both the woman who followed the Black man and the woman who shot the video.

The woman who chased him claims she was following the Black man because she caught him photographing her home. But the woman who filmed the encounter, who goes by the name Beth, says that isn't out of the ordinary because the neighborhood is very scenic, and the woman was harassing the Black man.

Which, she says, is why she intervened when she caught up to the pair.

In the video, Beth can be heard telling the woman:

"... just let this guy walk on the street! He's not bothering you."

The woman then freezes in her tracks as she seems to realize with horror that she's being filmed, and after attempting to confront the younger woman, she abruptly turns around and hurries off in the other direction.

It's this darkly humorous moment that caught the eye of many people on Twitter.

Others held the video up as an example of how filming such encounters can have real impact on the outcome.

The Black man in the video has not been identified, but Beth shared with KMGH the Black man's words as they parted ways:

"I'm OK. It happens a lot."

All the more reason to have phones at the ready when witnessing these encounters.