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Man's Tweet About Making A DIY Mask Out Of His Old Clothes Has An Unexpectedly NSFW Twist

Man's Tweet About Making A DIY Mask Out Of His Old Clothes Has An Unexpectedly NSFW Twist

We live in the age of DIY face masks becoming the newest hits on crafty YouTube channels and in Etsy shops across the web.

Every artist is trying to engage with DIY face masks in some way, including Adam Ellis.

Adam Ellis is a well-known comic artist who is famous for his dramatizations of every-day situations.

Ellis got into the DIY mask-making biz recently, but with his own little twist.

"I saw an online tutorial about how to make masks from old clothes, so I cut up this old pair of shorts! I had to hand sew it, and it came out too small, but it's not bad for a first try! What do you think?"

Step by step it looks like it ended up coming out pretty okay.




But then Adam donned the shorts.


The gays in lockdown will not be stopped.

Ellis said to the Huffington Post:

"I think everyone is so bored at home right now and starved for fun and levity that it struck a chord with people."
"Twitter and Instagram are the only social outlets folks have right now, and anything that takes their minds off things is going to resonate. Also, everyone is extra horny right now!"

Adam's content is cheeky, to say the least.

But it's keeping us all a little more sane during this really difficult time.

Ellis' book Super Chill: A Year of Living Anxiously is available here.