Society gets confused about when two people of opposing genders are best friends.
It's never that you can just be friends. People make assumptions constantly about you both and how your relationship with each other must be.
And to make it worse, people that you love and trust do this to you too.
u/eternalrefuge86 asked:
What's the worst part of having an opposite-sex best friend?
Here were some of those answers.
Nobody Believes You
Definitely the stress it puts on my relationship. There is always at least a little bit of jealousy and protectiveness.
Literally Nobody
The parent's questions.
You sure you don't like her? *Gives knowing wink*
"She looks like she's taking real good care of you"
Future Plans
Constantly being asked if you all are together or when you're going to be a couple.
My friend used to introduce me as his sister just because of this. Luckily we look somewhat alike, soulless gingers we are.
Gender Roles
everyone thinks it's going to end up in some Julia Roberts "we were in love the whole time" stuff
people will even say it in front of your SO
no- that's my friend- how hard is it to understand?
Making It Bearable
A female friend of mine started dating a yoga guy with a top knot, can't stand that guy
It really is annoying when the guys they like to date clash with your personality. Can be frustrating when they want to do stuff and you cant stand their partner and they cant stand you.
The Same Everywhere
Jealousy from my SO. I have to second-guess all the things I do or say to my SO when it comes to things about the best friend. I try to make sure she doesn't overthink anything. I have a lot of anxiety when she overthinks and I just can't seem to snap her out of it. Hiding things from her isn't something I want, and doesn't really seem like it'll help if at all. I don't know how to deal with the amount of anxiety and stress I feel, all I can hope is I can get better.
When It DOES Happen
I've had a female best friend for over 20 years. The worst part is we have occasional phases where one of us wanted to be more than friends. It gets really emotional and weird until it passes and things go back to normal. It seems to get stronger every time though and it's scary. We're both terrible at relationships and I can't imagine losing an almost life long friendship over it.
No Scrubs
The worst part for me is when I meet her new fella for the first time and a few beers in he asks if his girlfriend and I have ever slept together. I feel bad because I know at that point his days are numbered because they always end up the jealous, possessive type - those dudes don't last.
Also, just like to say clearly a few people in here don't understand the meaning of friendship. You aren't friends if you're just sitting around waiting for her to have sex with you. Sort yourselves out you scrubs.
Scary Treading Water
Wondering if you'd be great together but then you're not really attracted to them so you'll probably never know. And even if you are attracted to them you wouldn't risk becoming more than friends because what if it doesn't work out?
The Most Difficult Part
You can't talk about gender-specific issues with them. I don't mind best friends who are guys, but it's hard for them to understand the pains of bleeding through your freaking underwear.