We're all so very sick of movie characters saying "I can explain!" and then not explaining a thing.
We're all so very tired of movie villains killing everyone with ease but then stopping to give an impassioned speech to our hero instead of killing them immediately.
And holy crap, we're all so very tired of the car that doesn't start in horror movies! LIKE WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?
These clichés––and more––inspired Redditor OG_Builds, who asked the online community, "What movie cliché do you hate the most?"
"When the protagonist..."
When the protagonist and love interest are about to kiss and then something interrupts, like one of them getting a phone call.
*loud internal screaming*
The protagonist whose spent the entire movie mowing down mooks and goons left and right, who finally gets the upper hand on the truly evil overlord of the whole operation, and then pulls this BS:
"No, I can't kill you. Because that would make me as bad as you."
loud internal screaming
"One character has something important..."
One character has something important to tell another character but they don't want to listen and they leave which creates confusion and chaos making the movie way longer than it should be if the other person just would've shut up and listened.
"Bad guys..."
Bad guys with machine guns rarely hit anyone, but a good guy with a handgun can make impossible shots.
"It's like we all..."
Hitting someone on the head knocks them out for a few minutes, rather than causing concussion, brain damage, internal or external bleeding, or just severe pain. It's like we all have a big snooze button on the back of our heads.
"Not only..."
Prosecutors introducing "surprise" evidence or surprise witnesses during the trial.
Not only will it be a mistrial, but you will likely lose your law license if you try to pull that crap in real life.
"The regular cop..."
The regular cop that can also fly helicopters and other crazy sh!t that would combine for 120 years of world class training if all done properly.
"Propping up..."
Propping up a tiny wooden table and using it as a shield against gun fire.
"The disabled character..."
The disabled character who literally just exists to inspire the protagonist to do something.