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Pro-Trump Lawyer Now Bizarrely Accusing John Roberts Of Being Involved In Antonin Scalia's Death

Pro-Trump Lawyer Now Bizarrely Accusing John Roberts Of Being Involved In Antonin Scalia's Death
Mark Wilson/Getty Images

The legal team working on behalf of President Donald Trump to overturn the presidential election has been no stranger to conspiracy theories.

However things took a strange turn this Wednesday when Lin Wood—a lawyer who filed several lawsuits on behalf of Trump—took to Twitter to accuse Chief Justice Roberts of having a hand in the death of the late Justice Antonin Scalia and even worse crimes.

Wood wrote:

"A couple of more questions for Chief Justice John Roberts:"
"(1) You are recorded discussing Justice Scalia's successor before date of his sudden death. How did you know Scalia was going to die?"
"(2) Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee?"

He went on to try to associate the Chief Justice with longtime Trump pal Jeffrey Epstein.

"My information from reliable source is that Roberts arranged an illegal adoption of two young children from Wales through Jeffrey Epstein."
"I think we can all agree that Epstein knows pedophilia."
"If only Jeffrey Epstein was still alive . . ."
"Wouldn't that be something?"

Epstein died while in the federal custody of the Trump administration.

That fact—along with Trump's long friendship with Epstein—may be why Trump's most devoted followers are so desperate to tie Epstein to anyone else in their conspiracy theories.

Many mocked Wood for his penchant for conspiracy theories.

Others couldn't believe he still had a license to practice law.

And most were flabbergasted at how unhinged this whole discourse has gotten.

Unfortunately for Wood, accusing the Chief Justice of an assassination conspiracy is probably not the best way to get your case heard.