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Formerly Incarcerated Woman Reveals The Common Things That Could Land You In Prison

TikToker and former prisoner Amanda Dove shared a PSA of three things people do that can get them sent to prison.

TikTok screenshots of @prison_story

A formerly incarcerated woman on TikTok shared three common things people do that they may not realize can get them sent to prison.

TikToker Amanda Dove (@prison_story) uses the social media platform to share stories from her time in prison as well as helpful advice to keep her followers out.

In a video posted recently, Dove revealed there are three things that many people do without fully understanding the consequences.

She began her TikTok by warning:

“If you’re doing one of these three things, prison may be in your future.”

The first item on the list is lying on an application for food stamps.

“Saying you don’t make as much money so that you can get more food stamps? Trouble is in your future."

The creator also advised against bragging about doing as much on the internet.

Dove then told her nearly 900k followers that incorrectly ringing up an item at Walmart can also land them in the slammer.

“I know a person who got a big old fancy vacuum cleaner but they rang up a pack of Kool-Aid and they got her for shoplifting."

She added that you may think you're getting away with it, but employees will allow you to leave the store with the item so that they can charge you with shoplifting.

And finally, changing someone's password without "explicit" permission is considered hacking and is highly illegal.

“Unless they give explicit permission to have their passwords, they can press charges."

Depending on the state, "hackers" can face anywhere from three to 20 years in prison for changing someone's password without their consent.

Dove's TikTok has been viewed more than 5 million times already.

You can watch below.


Be honest, have you ever done even one? 👀 #crime #jail #prison #crimeprevention #arrested #police #education #thingsyoudidntknow

While many viewers were aware some of the infractions Dove discussed were illegal, they don't necessarily believe them to be fair.






A few, however, learned a thing or two from the video.






While, Dove captioned her TikTok, "Be honest, have you ever done even one," we'd encourage you to withhold from answering in the comments.

But we do appreciate the advice, and hopefully it can help out others as well!