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People Break Down The Stupidest Movies They've Ever Seen

Reddit user DawgTheShawg asked: 'What's the stupidest movie you've ever seen?'

People in a movie theater
Photo by Krists Luhaers on Unsplash

As Oscar season approaches, movie buffs often reminisce about the greatest movies they've ever seen.

As well as the movies that the Academy doesn't tend to recognize.

Not even necessarily the bad ones, but rather... the stupid ones.

True, generally all movies require a small suspension of disbelief, be it for people falling in love way too rapidly, inaccurate depictions of professions, or dinosaurs coming back to life.

Some movies, however, are so inane and nonsensical that they've achieved a legendary status all on their own.

Redditor DawgTheShawg was curious to hear what people considered to be the stupidest movie ever made, leading them to ask:

"What's the stupidest movie you've ever seen?"

Pushing "Method Acting" To Its Limits...


"Starring Gary Oldman pretending to be a little person by lumbering about on his knees while Peter Dinklage is right there, who is doing a ridiculous French accent."

"What more is there to say?"

"As a little person myself, it was….an experience."- Usidore_

Before The Hunger Games, There Was...

"'Gymkata' is a martial arts action film released in 1985."

"The movie follows the story of an Olympic gymnast, played by Kurt Thomas, who is recruited by a U.S. intelligence agency to participate in a deadly competition known as 'The Game' in the fictional country of Parmistan."

"The protagonist employs his gymnastics skills to navigate through a treacherous town filled with obstacles and adversaries."

"'Gymkata' is known for its unique blend of gymnastics and martial arts."- ChuckNorrisKickflip

"Two" Much Adam Sandler?

"Jack and Jill"- BarryCheckTheFuseBox

"I heard a theory that the movie was made to help Katie Holmes leave Tom Cruise."

"I believe she ended up with very little screen time, so her time 'filming' was just a cover so she could get everything in order while he thought she was busy."- CarboniteCopy

adam sandler GIF Giphy

Talk About Multitasking

"'The VelociPastor'."

"A priest starts turning into a velociraptor and there’s ninjas because of course there are."

"Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen, and I loved every minute."- klarycp

In Case You Ever Wonder What Happened To Mike Myers...

"The Love Guru."- kukutaiii

"I was visiting my family not long after that movie came out on DVD. It somehow got brought up and I mentioned I didn’t watch it."

"Both my older siblings start flipping out and asking why and talking about how it’s one of the funniest movies ever."

"I said it looked dumb in the trailers, but I could be wrong."

"They immediately put it on, as they owned a copy."

"At the end, I just went, 'What the f*ck, guys? That movie sucked'.”

"And my brother agreed and apologized meekly."

"I was so confused."

"I still am, to be honest."- fishkybuns

Much Less Marvel, Much More Tea And Scones...

"The Avengers."

"But not the one you're thinking of."

"Try watching the 1998 'Avengers' movie."

"On second thought... don't."- faithful_atheist

The Avengers Vintage GIF Giphy

That Other "Avatar" Movie...

"The Last Airbender."- TheSheep1210

"I saw it in theaters and my spirit was broken afterwards."

"Omg? Soka, as in 'sohcahtoa'? Really?"

" I don't even remember the rest of the movie because the way they pronounced their names pissed me off so much."

"Apparently the director has some other good movies, but I won't watch them out of spite."- mizar2423

Some Of Us Still Don't Get the Appeal...

"50 Shades of Gray."- DeLyDreamer

"Written as Twilight fan-fiction on a Blackberry."- ChronoLegion2

Formulaic Would Be An Understatement...

"Anything by Hallmark."

"No one has hair that glossy."- PureDeidBrilliant

Christmas Holiday GIF by Hallmark Channel Giphy

When Your Reboot Sinks Your Franchise Even Deeper...


"You have to really try to make something so pitiful."- WarrenG117

Stupidity Can Have It's Charms...

"'Dude, Where’s My Car?'"

"I love it, but it is really stupid."- Casimir_III

If One Actor Is Synonymous With Stupid Movies...

"The Steven Seagal movie When He Fights a Guy while Sitting in an Office Chair."

"As a matter of fact, anything after his first movie."- DanishWeddingCookie

Steven Seagal Reaction GIF by MOODMAN Giphy

Talk About Dated...


"Only movie I ever walked out on."

" The world is crumbling except for wherever the main star has to go only his path is magical not falling away."- DeathOfLife01

Beware The Tire!

"Rubber."- lessTurnips

"I'm so glad someone else mentioned it. I normally can't stand terrible movies but there's something about Rubber that I just love."

"I think it's because it's so stupid, everyone knows it's stupid."

"The writers, the director, the cast, the audience, everyone knows it's stupid and doesn't try to pretend it isn't, so it kinda works."-trumpet575

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It is pretty remarkable that some of these movies ever made it past a table read, let alone into movie theaters.

Then too, as the immortal genius Roald Dahl once said, "a little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men."