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Chuck Schumer Pulls Off Boss Move By Cutting Off Mitch McConnell As He Approaches Podium

Chuck Schumer Pulls Off Boss Move By Cutting Off Mitch McConnell As He Approaches Podium

Liberals on Twitter are applauding Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for what many saw as a power move that put Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell firmly in place. The moment happened during a press conference at the U.S. Capitol this week.

As McConnell was walking down the long hallway toward the dais to address the assembled reporters as if he owned the place, Schumer, who was waiting off to the side of the corridor, seemingly appeared out of nowhere and beat McConnell to the mic.

Many saw the move as Schumer playfully reminding McConnell who's in charge of the Senate nowadays. Watch the moment below.

The two were approaching the lectern to give their weekly addresses to the Washington press when Schumer swooped in to upstage his colleague.

The moment seemed to provide a much needed moment of levity to all assembled. Several people could be heard laughing and clapping in the background as Schumer bested his rival and colleague. Even the usually combative McConnell chuckled as he stepped aside and waited his turn.

From the crowd, a reporter could be heard saying, "The laugh we all needed," as Democratic Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow joined Schumer at the lectern. She got in on the fun as well, patting Schumer on the shoulder and saying, "We got your back," as McConnell walked away.

As he reached the microphone, Schumer gave McConnell one more reminder of who's who in today's Senate:

"The prerogatives of the majority."

For his part, Senator McConnell seemed to take being upstaged by his rival in stride. Citing an old quote from retired Republican Kansas Senator and three-time presidential candidate Bob Dole, McConnell quipped:

"The most dangerous place in Washington to be is between Chuck Schumer and a microphone."

On Twitter, liberals got a kick out of the moment—and even turned it into a meme.

It seems that sometimes the hare does beat the tortoise after all.