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JK Rowling Blasted After Trying Speak On Behalf Of Lesbians In Defense Of Her Transphobic Views

JK Rowling Blasted After Trying Speak On Behalf Of Lesbians In Defense Of Her Transphobic Views
Gary Mitchell/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images

The continued fight against transphobic discrimination, violence and legislation often seems to lead back to heterosexual, cisgender, rich, White damsels in distress like J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. Calling herself a feminist fighting for women—who never chose her as their spokesperson—most refer to people like Rowling as TERFs—Trans Exclusionary Radical/Racist Feminists.

The R in the term has become a matter of debate after many leaders of the TERF movement—like Rowling—have also been called out by people of color for their racism.

Most recently, Rowling tried to hide behind “innumerable gay people” who she claimed agree with her transphobia.

The tweet came during some comments on the United Kingdom’s Labour party.

Rowling was tweeting comments criticizing the Labour party of Britain and siding with a member of the country’s right wing party. In response another Twitter user commented gay rights organizations are “undermining” women’s rights.

In response, Rowling agreed, saying:

“Innumerable gay people have been in touch with me to say exactly this.”
“Like women, they - especially lesbians - are under attack for not wishing to be redefined and for refusing to use ideological language they find offensive.”

The comment echoes a time when politicians and prominent figures would justify their anti-progressive stances by claiming they had a nameless “gay friend” who agreed, or could speak on racial issues because they had a “Black friend.”

But innumerable gay people came out against Rowling’s position, letting her know she doesn't speak for them.

As Rowling’s rantings and fight against transgender people wanting basic human rights continues, many have tried to find ways to distance the controversial author from her most famous work.

Recently, at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) awards, Emma Watson, most famous for playing one of Rowling’s characters, Hermione Granger, seemed to take a stance against the author.

Watson—who fights for women’s rights and gender equality—has become the centerpoint for many looking to still enjoy the Harry Potter series but not support Rowling.

Rowling’s continued spread of hatred has just gotten tiring for many former friends and fans at this point.

Despite all of this, Rowling’s influence has a lot of sway.

People with her level of money and power are using their anti-trans rhetoric to justify passing discriminatory laws against the LGBTQ+ community as a whole.

This includes Florida’s recent “Don’t Say Gay” bill and legislation in Texas to criminalize gender affirming treatment despite approval by doctors and parents.