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Kyle Rittenhouse Sparks Outrage By Releasing Video Game Where Players Shoot 'Fake News Turkeys'

Kyle Rittenhouse Sparks Outrage By Releasing Video Game Where Players Shoot 'Fake News Turkeys'

Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse sparked outrage after he released a video game that gives players the option to shoot "fake news turkeys" that he is selling on his official website for $9.99.

Rittenhouse collaborated with game developer Mint Studios to create the game, titledTurkey Shoot, and plans to use the proceeds from it to fund his lawsuits against media outlets he's accused of defamation.

His promotional video for Turkey Shoot refers to the media as "nothing but a bunch of turkeys with nothing better to do than push their lying agenda and destroy innocent people’s lives."

He also posted a preview of Turkey Shoot to Twitter, which you can view below.

Rittenhouse has remained a darling among the right since he was acquitted of all charges relating to the fatal shootings of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and injuring Gaige Grosskreutz during the Kenosha unrest, which took place after police officers shot and partially paralyzed Jacob Blake, a Black man.

He has long courted the adoration of conservatives, including prominent Republicans who have offered him a wealth of opportunities following his acquittal and who have celebrated his attacks against media outlets he believed have launched smear campaigns against him.

A few months ago, Rittenhouse announced the creation of a "Media Accountability Project" aimed at suing everyone who called him a murderer, a move celebrated by Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, on whose show Rittenhouse had appeared.

Many criticized Rittenhouse following his announcement.

Rittenhouse has continued to make headlines for outlandish behavior designed to "own the libs."

In March, he was widely mocked after he posted a meme of himself breaking down in tears as he pumps gas in a dig at President Joe Biden, who he blames for high gas prices while failing to understand that the matter is a global issue exacerbated by numerous factors, particularly the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Rittenhouse's crying act appeared to be a reenactment of his crying during his trial, the clip of which was viewed more than two million times and that his critics said rang hopelessly false.