The internet can be funny sometimes, lest we forget.
Today is that day.
Ever wonder what would happen if "inconvenience stores" were a thing? What would they possibly sell?
Reddit user, DANKKrish, wanted to get an insight into your mind when they asked:
"You just opened your brand new inconvenience store, what are you selling?"
What if the items they sold were the most inconvenient pieces of tech you could imagine? That would certainly make your life rather difficult, wouldn't it?
Even something as simple as walking up to the counter would be a challenge.
Nothing Is Easy To Open
"Everything is sold [in] clamshell packaging. The kind that requires a knife to open."
Your Job Is To Find Your Way Out
"You will have to navigate a maze to get anything."
"Would You Like To Repeat The Options?"
"I would sell the The Sequoia of phone trees. The usual "Press 1" is for amateurs."
"My inconvenience store is loaded with systems to make phone trees more complex and impenetrable. Five-step, multi-digit and # options that will keep customers in an infinite holding pattern…with a few special tricks to instill false hope to keep em' waiting."
"AT&T, you know you're my target customer"
What could be worse is not so much the layout or the procedures of the store, but the things they sell. What if buying something there leads to an entire day's worth of struggle?
Just Hold It Into The Wall Like So...
"Charging cables that only work when you're actively holding them into the thing that needs charging juuust right."
Good Luck Getting It All Home
"Everything a convenience store does but it's all in bulk"
"We have Pepsi AND Coke 2.5 gallon boxes of fountain syrup!"
Increasing The Time For People Behind You
"'Quarters only' at checkout. Can only pay with quarters."
"As a cashier this hurts me"
It Could Be Cereal Or Dishwasher Soap
"All items are boxed in the exact same, indistinctive packaging, and in order to figure out what it is you have to read the fine print on the back."
"American healthcare"
Sometimes, people on the internet are monsters.
Build It All Yourself
- Ingredients for bread that you have to put together and bake yourself."
- "Access to Dairy Cow udders that you have to milk yourself (you have to bring your own containers since they won't be sold in store)."
- "Tobacco for cigarettes. Rolling paper sold separately with delivery delayed a week."
Such A Massive Toilet Inconvenience
"Individually wrapped pieces of toilet paper."
"Like each square is wrapped?"
"Yes, like bars of soap on in a hotel."
"Calm down Satan"
Who Would Ever...?
"Dead batteries, empty lighters, burned out bulbs, the like."
"And when you get to the counter and they give you a bag for your stuff it's already full of junk"
A Truly Horrendous Shopping List
"Watches that lose and gain time randomly, iPads just in a language you can't read, coffee in flimsy cups that dribble down the sides, shoes where you have to buy the left and right foot separately and they never seem to have the exact same style or size in the 'other foot', pens with barely any ink in them, train tickets a few cents short of the journey you need to take, noise cancelling headphones that only work in one ear..."