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People Share The Rudest Assumption Someone Has Ever Made About Them

People Share The Rudest Assumption Someone Has Ever Made About Them

People often rush to judgement with no basis for their opinions, and it can hurt. Like putting down others for holding certain jobs, or assuming that only children are jerks.

bloblife34 asked: What is the rudest assumption someone has made about you?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

10. Why do people shame honest work?


I went to Walmart while taking a break from painting the nursery. I was fairly spattered in paint and trying to pick a pizza. I heard a lady tell her kid "that is why you go to school so you don't have a job like that." There are layers to just how f*cked up that was. Not the least of which is house painters can make pretty decent money.


The stupidest thing is that a lot of people that work with their hands make hella monies. Like plumbers make bank, and they will always be in need because we will always need to take sh*ts.


9. It costs $0.00 to not do this.

At a a past employer someone complained to HR that I was allegedly playing inappropriate Rap music and too loudly at my desk. I get called into HR to explain myself and told them it wasn't me…it was the white guy sitting two desks behind me and he came in to admit it because he didn't think it was such a big deal to be in trouble for.

It was probably the fact that since I was the only black guy where I sit in a certain part of the office, they just naturally assumed it was me. You can imagine the sheer embarrassment on part of HR that came after.

Edit: Rather than raise fire and brimstone, I just gently let them down and told them it was fine, let's move on and try to forget it. I just thought it'd be more professional to just do that so there would be no animosity in the future.


8. What does this even mean?

I had an Emergency Room doctor tell me I looked like an anti-vaxxer.


ER doctors are notorious for being dicks. Encountered my share of them. When I went in for a miscarriage, the ER doctor said "most women take care of that at home by themselves" :(.

I think there is a lot more PTSD and compassion fatigue in the medical field than they care to admit.


7. Dating is embarrassing.

Someone thought "just because I'm ugly id date anyone."


"Why won't you date her? Are you gay?"

"No, I just don't like her"

"But she is prettier than you... "

Happens strangely often, even if not with those exact words.


Conversely, gay people have preferences too and won't date somebody just because they're gay.


6. At least you look young?


I was in target and stopped to look at a really cute swim suit for a baby that was on display in the aisle. Two older ladies passed by and one of them said "she's way too young to have a child" nose in the air. I was in my mid 20s, probably the same age or older than she was when she had kids.


I got really dirty looks when I was an au pair and I had two boys to take care of 2 and 4, the 2 y.o. couldn't say my name so he called me da. Some ladies heard that and they said to each other down disgusting I was to have to kids so young.

Also when I was 14 my niece was born, I liked to take her on walks. One time I was with my sister, and some woman asked us why we didn't got an abortion because we were to young to raise a child. My sister got angry at the woman, so the woman kept her mouth shut and walked away.

Why don't people mind their own business, when they don't know the relationship between people.


This happened to me so much. My brother was born when i was 16. People were so f*cking rude. Even if they didnt say anything they glared. People liked to make comments about closing my legs.


5. Racism is alive and well in America.

That I'm probably just some uneducated immigrant who can't speak English.

I'm Mexican, I drive a truck for a living. I make more doing this than putting my bachelor's to use. I don't talk much because I'm tired, grumpy and depressed all of the time.


Long haul truckers make more than me with my 2 fancy degrees, yeah.


I was talking with a friend of mine in Spanish (mine is pretty poor, I was practicing) outside of a bar after work, and some old white guy walked by and told me "don't encourage the Mexicans, make them learn English!" My buddy just rolled his eyes, dude was working on an English degree through Texas Tech.


4. You never know when someone is in pain.

That I was being horribly disrespectful in a church ceremony.

In reality I was my little sisters Confirmation sponsor (Catholic rite) and was also in end stage liver failure. Was on lots of meds for pain and my brain was marinating in ammonia so I had several head drops (like when you're falling asleep) during the 2 hour mass. Woman next to me berates me for being 'so rude and disrespectful'

Luckily my mom found her afterwards and tore her a new one.


Did you seize that hag's liver and make it your own?


Nah, would've been too fatty anyways (lady was quite hefty) my aunt was in the process of getting tested and was a match about a month or two later. September 30 2009 we went into surgery and 14 hours later I came out. Celebrating my 10th liverversarry this year! Going to send her an awesome bouquet and maybe a spa certificate. She was my living donor of course so I got about 75% of her liver. Now we both have full grown healthy livers!

It's really hard to adequately thank someone for saving your life.

It's also weird to think that while I'm 28, my liver is 57.


3. Well that's rude.

I worked with a girl who came from a big family and when I told her that I'm an only child, she went on a rant about how I must be spoiled and that my parents "f*cked me up" by doing everything for me. As if that's the only outcome that an only child could have.


My (only) sister died when I was 15, when people I don't particularly know or like very well ask me if I have siblings, I usually just say no - I don't like to talk about it and it's a conversation killer. But it's surprising how many have replied with: 'oh, only child? You must have been spoiled.' I love then saying: 'well I had a sister but she died.' The look on their face is priceless 😂 Keep your judgements to yourselves, people.


2. Sexism, no fun.

When I was working at Best Buy in my teens/early 20's, people would ask me to my face if I could go and get a "male" worker to answer their questions because they felt "more comfortable" asking them about it (stuff like game consoles, cameras and equipment, ipods, that was the area I worked in). The fun part was watching the customers faces malfunction that male coworker would walk them back over to me, because I knew what I was doing in that department and they only knew their stuff when it came to TVs or washers and dryers.


1. We are not short we are fun-sized.


A girl I met for a date on an app once said to me at the end of the date that I should see her again because a guy of my height won't have many options.


I don't understand this height obsession. My ex was my height and it didn't bother me. He even added two inches for his hair on his license height but I knew the truth.


Yeah it's weird. It was also a weird way of putting herself down as well, 'you can't get anyone else, so settle for me.'
