Having a crush can get really messy. It's hard to maintain a chill vibe around them, and sometimes it's easy to slip up and do something incredibly embarrassing. Here are some of the worst embarrassing moments in front of a crush, courtesy of the kind people over at Reddit.
u/eggedshrek69 asked: What was the most awkward interaction you have ever had with your crush?
We were messaging about the homework in our class when he asked for my opinion on a poem he wrote for his crush. I had some hope that it was me and this was gonna be a cute way for him to tell me. Nope. It was actually a poem for his crush and he used her name in it. I said it was good even though it kinda hurt inside.
Oh NO.
GiphyFinally asked a girl out, and she eagerly accepted. About halfway through the date, she turns to me and says: you know what? I've decided to stay with my fiancee.
Not sure what's worse. Finding out she has a fiancee, or realizing that it was your company that drove her back into his arms.
Well that's sh*tty.
Back in High School - I was talking to my crush out in the lunch court, and a bird pooed on my face.
Not gonna lie, ya had me in the first half.
Laughed my a** off at this.
We've all done this.
Went for a hug and she went for a handshake. Then started to go for a shake and she went for hug. It lasted a while. My dad was watching from the car. Lol he was so embarrassed for me.
I'll take "Intimate Contact That Feels Like a Slap" for 500, Alex.
GiphyWhen I was a freshman in college, there was a crazy hot girl I would have happened to not mind going out with. She was also my little sister's dance teacher. Anyway, we're walking to class and thinking I would be a chivalrous gentlemen I reached to open the door for her.
Except instead of grabbing the handle I completely missed and only grabbed air. I managed to catch myself before I got the ground but that was the last time we walked to class together.
When she told me that she liked me while we were the last two waiting to be picked up by our respective parents after a school trip, and I asked "...Why?"
I had horrible self esteem issues as a kid.
I do this too.
Last weekend she wanted to take selfies with me at a birthday party and for whatever reason I always make the weirdest faces when I know my picture is being taken. She got frustrated and just gave up. I'm going to ask her out on Saturday though so wish me luck.
Not my wife.
GiphyWe were at her place, she's sitting on the couch and her purse is next to her. I grab her purse to move it so I can sit next to her and then some tampons fall out. She quickly gets up and puts them away, I've never seen her move so fast before.
Now she's not my wife.
We played Truth or Dare in a large group. Three guys, one girl. All of us guys had a crush on her. At the time I had a goatee and she was dared to lick it, so she use her tongue to draw a wet circle all the way around my mouth. She had really bad breath and I could smell her saliva all day. It was a miserable experience.
So sad.
My truth or dare experience didn't have any physical contact, so not nearly as weird.
Basically, my crush asked me truth or dare. Naturally, I'm not going to set myself up for failure, so I said, truth.
Her: Do you like me?
Me: (Immediately) No.
Her: You're supposed to tell the truth!
It was the first day of camp and she was miserable the rest of the week.