Who best to comment on Trump's iPhone usage than former President Obama?
After all, he would be familiar with White House protocol and security measures.
At a recent campaign rally for Democratic nominees in Wisconsin, Obama touched on the hypocrisy of the current administration, the GOP and conservative media.
Watch his remarks here.
As part of his speech, the former President brought up how obsessed the opposing party was with the email server of former Secretary of State and then presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.
It is worth noting, the security protocol and Clinton's email server are the impetus of the "Lock her up" chant made popular by Donald Trump during his presidential campaign and that continues today at Trump rallies.
"We were hearing 'emails' everywhere! 'This is a national security crisis!'" he imitated.
"They didn't care about emails. If they did, they'd be up in arms right now as the Chinese are listening to the president's iPhone that he leaves in his golf cart."
People were here for it!
Others just missed the former Commander in Chief.
The former President stated:
"I am hopeful that despite all the noise, and the lies, and the distraction, we are going to cut through all that and remember who we are. The antidote to government by a powerful few is government by the organized, energized many."