President Donald Trump's approval rating among women has fallen to 29 percent, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC poll. In particular, the president's approval rating among white women, who voted for him in droves, has fallen considerably, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC poll. Additionally, 22 percent of white women without college degrees (the subgroup with whom Trump performed best) said Trump's actions "have mainly hurt them and their family."
In a recent piece for The Atlantic, Ronald Brownstein further examines Trump's decline:
In the Rustbelt states that decided 2016, Trump has slipped into a much more precarious position with these women: Gallup put his 2017 approval with them at 45 percent in Pennsylvania, 42 percent in Michigan, and 39 percent or less in Minnesota, Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Compared to his 2016 vote, his 2017 approval among blue-collar white women in the Rustbelt represented some of his largest declines anywhere — 18 percentage points in Ohio and 19 in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Many of these women believed Trump's message championing traditional values, and wholly rejected Hillary Clinton's progressive promises. But the president's decline appears to coincide with his unsuccessful effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which, as the foremost example of Barack Obama's legacy, has continued to irritate much of his devoted Republican base.
Nor has Trump fared too well on the economy, despite his repeated reassurances in recent weeks that the rising of the stock market is indicative of the economy's overall health. According to the Post-ABC poll, 47 percent of white women without degrees "view the nation’s economy as not so good or poor." The president claimed last week that recent dips in the stock market are "a big mistake" despite the "good (great)" news coming from his administration. (He failed to elaborate further.)
65 percent of these women report that they don't believe Trump is the "stable genius" he claims to be.
79 percent of these women believe sexual harassment is a nationwide problem, and Trump's recent defense of former top aide Rob Porter, who was accused of abusing his ex-wives, could very well hurt these numbers even more.