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'Moms For Liberty' Group Outraged Over Children's Book That Describes How Seahorses Mate

'Moms For Liberty' Group Outraged Over Children's Book That Describes How Seahorses Mate
@TheTNHoller/Twitter; Carley Baggs/YouTube

Angry mothers demanded the banning of a children's book about loving seahorses because they thought it was "too sexy" for elementary schools.

The Williamson County, Tennessee, chapter of Moms For Liberty—a far-right group that is currently fighting against mask-wearing mandates in schools—gathered at a conference to lobby against the illustrated book, Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea.

One of the passages in the book MFL found objectionable, reads:

"They twist their tails together and twirl gently around, changing color until they match. ... The two of them dance until sunset and then she puts her eggs into his pouch."

The Daily Beast's Kelly Weill reported that MFL also had a problem with the picture book partly "because it depicted 'mating seahorses with pictures of postions [sic] and discussion of the male carrying the eggs."

Weill continued:

"The Daily Beast reviewed the text in question via a children's storytime YouTube channel. Readers looking for a Kama Sutra of seahorse sex will be disappointed."
"'Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish In The Sea' contains nothing more risqué than watercolor illustrations of two seahorses holding tails or touching bellies (never — heavens — at the same time)."

Here is the YouTube clip of a book reader narrating Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea.

Sea Horse: The Shyest Fish in the Sea

The book is one of many tomes MFL struck down as inappropriate for children to read.

The media outlet shared an email they received from a concerned MFL representative, which read:

"Some books should be removed entirely. Some books are objectionable only because of how they are presented via the accompanying teacher's manual."
"Some books would be better suited to a higher grade level due to their age-inappropriate content."

She noted the seahorse book was probably more suitable for eighth-grade readers.

Social media users were flummoxed over MFL's questionable crusade.

The Volunteer State received some Twitter criticism.

The condemnation comes as many far-right groups in the country have voiced their objections to teachings of critical race theory, an advanced theory of systemic racism that has liberals and conservatives butting heads.

Earlier this year, deeply concerned moms—who believe school reading materials about race are biased—banded together to write an 11-page letter of complaint to the state's Board of Education, demanding the Williamson County School district to overhaul their curriculum.

They also asked to ban children's books, like Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington, for being divisive; and The Story of Ruby Bridges, about the first Black child who integrated a Louisiana public school in 1960.

They also criticized the story of Johnny Appleseed as being too "sad and dark," and they suggested lessons about Galileo should be modified for being "too anti-church."

MFL's website describes themselves as a group consisting of parents and grandparents who are "fighting to restore our blessings of Liberty for future generations."

The Huffington Post noted the head of the local chapter of the group leading the charge against the seahorse book has no children in public schools.