Sometimes when you want something so badly, it's hard to hear the truth.
Like when former First Lady Michelle Obama tells the world she isn't running for President and we all collectively hear, "I may run for President in 2020."
That's what I heard, didn't you?
It seems folks are having a tough time letting go of the dream, even if the dream includes a President who doesn't want to be President.
Still, that doesn't stop people from trying.
Sorry everyone, but we are here to burst your bubble.
Once again, while visiting the Lower Eastside Girls Club in Manhattan, Obama reiterated that she is NOT running for President. Not in 2020, not ever.
Her words on the topic are as follows:
"I don't want to be president! … My path has never been politics. I just happened to marry someone whose passion was politics. Just because he likes it doesn't mean that I like it!"
She has also noted in the past that the toll it takes on family to be president is difficult.
Telling Oprah in 2016:
"This is hard, it's a hard job...When you run, your kids lives stop."
"The next family that comes in here, every person in that family – every child, every grandchild – their lives will be turned upside down in a way that no American really understands."
Did you hear what I heard?
I'm pretty sure she just hinted at a run in 2020!
Twitter simply will not take no for an answer.
But some folks are finally letting it sink in.
Or maybe not.
Maybe we can compromise.
Desperation, Mrs Obama, desperation. We'll take anything you are willing to give.