On Wednesday, the House of Representatives voted to impeach President Donald Trump on two articles:
obstruction of Congress and abuse of power.
To the surprise of no one, the House vote remained virtually along party lines for both articles.
Also unsurprising was Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's immediate rush to paint Trump as an innocent victim of Democrats in the House.
"Let's be clear: the House's vote yesterday was not some neutral judgment. ... It was the predetermined end of a partisan crusade."
The Senate Majority Leader added:
"Moments like this are why the United States Senate exists. The moment the Framers feared has arrived. A political faction in the lower chamber have succumbed to partisan rage."
But McConnell—who openly bragged about obstructing the judicial appointments of President Barack Obama and refers to himself as the Grim Reaper for killing Democratic legislation by keeping it from being considered in the Senate—complaining about partisanship was the height of hypocrisy according to his critics.
Former Minnesota Senator Al Franken was one of those critics.
On Twitter, Franken posted:
"Listening to Mitch McConnell talk about the decline of bipartisanship is like listening to Jeffrey Dahmer complain about the decline of dinner party etiquette."
And Franken's observation was among the kinder assessments of McConnell's remarks.
If there is a great hypocrisy in all the world than Mitch McConnell accusing someone of a predetermined partisan crusade, Merrick Garland and I cannot imagine what it would be.
— Jim Ashley (@Jim_Ashley1) December 19, 2019
wrong when he was nominated most of us were delighted because A. nobody gave him much of a chance and B. He was so damn entertaining. It sure did get old fast. Overall Moscow Mitch misses the main point. Trump has nobody to blame but himself. It didn't have to be like this.
— Joseph Zodda (@Zodden100) December 19, 2019
"Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption." ~ Wes Fesler
— Bryan LeBlanc 🇺🇸 (@Resistance2020) December 19, 2019
„I'm the grim reaper“, there will be no laws passed in the senate even if bipartisan!
By the way, the impeachment which was totally unfair, even though the White House blocked all possible exculpatory witnesses, is totally partisan. BITCH please!
— Sprinkles ✡️ 🇷🇴 (@sisiwasabi) December 19, 2019
Mitch McConnell is a liar. He picks and chooses what Trump wants him to say. The first was the Mueller's report. Pelosi decided that it wasn't enough. But when Trump ask a foreign leader to help him with his election here in the United States. Then that was it
— ray. call me/ (@Thuder1212Ray) December 19, 2019
If @senatemajldr had evidence that would exonerate Trump, present it at trial. Allow those witnesses to testify.
Oh wait. Trump is the one blocking testimony and evidence he thinks exonerates him.
That's not how any of this works. Trump's obstructing because he's guilty.
— lawhawk (@lawhawk) December 19, 2019
If every future potus behaves like Trump then impeachment should be strengthened not weakened!
— Franturo (@franturo) December 19, 2019
#MoscowMitch needs to take several seats. Trump was impeached because all evidence points to abuse of power, obstruction, and then some. He has had every chance to clear his name but instead refuses to let the very people that could clear his name testify. Why? #Impeached
— CHARI 🇵🇷🇺🇸 (@charito_lee) December 19, 2019
Someone needs to remind him of what Miss @LindseyGrahamSC said during the Republican primaries. Something to the effect of, “if Donald Trump is the nominee, than the Republican Party will be no more. And we will deserve it."
— Chris Taylor (@ChrisGTaylor300) December 19, 2019
Evidently McConnell forgot on day one of President Obama's first day in office he vowed to block any action of President Obama. He vowed President Obama would be a one term President. He blocked the Honorable Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court for a year.
— linda wells (@wellsl8080) December 19, 2019
This from the man whose party met on the night of the Obama's inauguration to form a plan to obstruct everything he tried to pass, something McConnell has gleefully bragged about accomplishing. Let's be clear, they're projecting, they think everyone is as unethical as they are.
— Whatever... (@urfckdup) December 19, 2019
Interesting that Mitch would say that because that is precisely what the Republican party has done. They made their decisions when Trump was elected to stand by his inept, insane performance no matter the cost to the country or citizens. #RepublicansAgainstTrump need to speak up.
— Jaxon (@TickerStick) December 19, 2019
While others focused on one simple fact: Mitch McConnell is up for reelection in 2020 and directed their comments to the voters of Kentucky.
McConnell is up for reelection, please donate to his opponent @AmyMcGrathKY
— Slygrammy5 🌊💝🎉😎👣🎅🎄🎁 (@SharonCoryell3) December 19, 2019
In November 2020, Mitch McConnell will try for another term in the Senate where he has been for 34 years, having first taken office in 1985. Democratic nominee and retired Marine fighter pilot Amy McGrath is challenging McConnell for his seat.
Her campaign video outlining why she was running to defeat McConnell received widespread attention.
“The Letter" — Amy McGrath for U.S. Senateyoutu.be
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