The Republican party has upped its attacks on educators and school boards citing hysteria over critical race theory, COVID-19 protocols. Some have speculated that GOP attacks on education is what mobilized stratospheric turnout in the Virginia gubernatorial race this week, where Republicans won and where Loudoun County became the national battleground in the fight on adequate education.
Celebrating the GOP's wins in the Commonwealth on Wednesday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California said the GOP would reinforce parents' influence on their children's education by rolling out a parental bill of rights.
McCarthy said:
"Republicans listen. We hear you. We know the places that we can improve and we make this promise to you. We will soon unroll a parents' bill of rights. ... You have a right to know what's being taught in school. You have a right to participate."
He said the bill would focus on education and parents' role in it.
This prompted Democratic Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand to call out the Republicans for a promise she said sounded awfully familiar.
Funny, where have I heard that before...\u00a0\— Kirsten Gillibrand (@Kirsten Gillibrand) 1635968080
Gillibrand shared a screen shot of a 2019 report on her proposal for a "Family Bill of Rights." This plan largely focused on early childcare, including early education access.
People pointed out that the Republicans' plan will likely focus on far less pressing issues.
I doubt it will have the same focus..probably something about CRT.— Georgette (@Georgette) 1635968882
The GOP bill will have a portion that says parents are allowed to scream and intimidate teachers and other staff while burning books!— Boss_Ass_Bitch_Says_Wear_A_Mask (@Boss_Ass_Bitch_Says_Wear_A_Mask) 1635968283
I am guessing the GOP version won't have paid FMLA— Katieinjc (@Katieinjc) 1635968140
Yeah, theirs won't be anything at all resembling yours. Theirs is based solely on stoking fear that parents are losing their rights over their children and is designed to attack and weaken the educational system.— Michael VanDeMar (@Michael VanDeMar) 1635970096
Their Bill of Rights will focus on Critical Race Theory and Trans folks lack of bathroom rights.— Pierre (@Pierre) 1635968803
Yeah, but McCarthy's will probably include the right to terminate the relationship if the child shows poor ROI.— Mike Ahearn (@Mike Ahearn) 1635970851
She wasn't the only one to push back on the plan.
Oh good god make it stop! The @GOP is using children's lives & future for power. It's wrong & disgusting\u00a0\u2026— Sarah K (@Sarah K) 1635971676
So, no history education based on actual facts, no biology eduction based on actual facts, no religious education for non-Christians, no vaccine mandates even against polio, measles, ANYTHING, and of course, NO MASKS. \n\n#Orwell #WeHaveAlwaysBeenAtWarWithEtc\u00a0\u2026— lovesdaryl\ud83d\udd34\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf39 (@lovesdaryl\ud83d\udd34\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f\ud83c\udf39) 1635969648
A big part of it will be letting parents be abusive towards queer kids\u00a0\u2026— Ellie Jackson \ud83c\udf39 (@Ellie Jackson \ud83c\udf39) 1635969497
Education is almost certain to play a major role in both party's efforts to control Congress after the 2022 midterms.