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Furious Kid Rock Fans Trash Venue After North Dakota Concert Canceled Due To 'High Winds'

Furious Kid Rock Fans Trash Venue After North Dakota Concert Canceled Due To 'High Winds'
Gary Miller/Getty Images, TMZ/YouTube

Concertgoers peeved over the sudden cancellation of Kid Rock's performance at the North Dakota state fair began trashing the venue–which led to one audience member being detained by police.

The 51-year-old songwriter and rapper–whose real name is Robert James Ritchie and also goes by Bobby Shazam–canceled his show on Friday in Minot, North Dakota, at the last minute due to "high winds."

Footage obtained by TMZ showed concertgoers hurling bottles at the stage in response to the inconvenience.

One audience member was seen being tackled after getting up on stage and being led away across the parking lot in handcuffs.

You can watch the mayhem, here.

Kid Rock Cancels Show, Audience Trashes Venue | TMZ

Social media users commented on how the snubbed fans reacted to the cancellation.

Kid Rock wrote a statement on Twitter expressing his regret for shortchanging his fans.

"SO PISSED OFF we could not play for a sold out crowd tonight in Minot, ND (because of high winds)," he tweeted, adding, "I know it sucks but none of us can control mother nature."
"Please be safe leaving and take care of each other. -Kid Rock."

Prior to news of Kid Rock's canceled performance, the crowd had been watching Night Ranger perform as the opening act for over two hours.

An officer from the Ward County Sheriff's Department then broke the news to concertgoers, informing them that the headline act, Kid Rock, was not going to be performing.

On Facebook, the WCSD made it clear not to shoot the messenger.

They issued the following statement.

"The Sheriff's Department would like to clarify to tonight's concert fans that the decision to cancel the Kid Rock concert was not made by the Sheriff's Department."
"The Sheriff simply announced the cancellation. We did not cancel the show."

Displeased fans had some words for the singer.

Others saw the glass half full.

The "Don't Tell Me How to Live" singer is known to be difficult when it comes to showing up for fans at his concerts.

When he previously announced his "Bad Reputation" tour, he eliminated certain venues that imposed pandemic rules conflicting with his view on COVID-19 mandates.

"There's been a lot of talk about vaccine mandates and venues," he said in a video shared on his Facebook page.

"People saying, 'I'm not going to that venue because the vaccine mandate' and this, that and the other. Trust me. We've done all our research on this and the consensus says that all this is gonna be done."
"If there are any of these venues — I'm not aware of any, but if there are any, they're gonna be gone by the time we get to your city."

He continued:

"If they're not, trust me, you don't have to worry. You'll be getting your money back because I won't be showing up, either."

"If you think I'm gonna sit out there and sing, 'Don't Tell Me How to Live' and 'We the People' while people are holding up their f'king vaccine cards," he said.