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John Cena's Tone-Deaf 'Peacemaker' Tweet About Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Isn't Sitting Well With Fans

John Cena's Tone-Deaf 'Peacemaker' Tweet About Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine Isn't Sitting Well With Fans
Peacemaker/HBO Max

Much of the world was shocked and outraged to learn on Thursday that Russia had initiated an all out invasion of Ukraine, an incursion that has already resulted in hundreds of casualties and destruction across the sovereign country.

According to the US, it marks the largest armed conflict on the European continent since 1939.

While many took to social media to express support for the people of Ukraine, former wrestler and current Peacemaker actor John Cena decided to do his part by...{checks notes}...promoting his new HBO Max show?

He tweeted:

Yep, you read that right.

One Twitter user summed up what should have happened with this Tweet:

While Cena likely thought he was showing support for Ukraine, fans were quick to point out how far this tweet missed the mark.

Folks were extra enraged that Cena took the time to add a promoted hashtag in his tweet.

One fan was quick to note that, on top of it all, maybe Peacemaker isn't quite the hero the world needs right now?

This comes on the heels of Cena's having to apologize to China for calling Taiwan a country. Maybe just sit geopolitics out?

Some fans had advice for how Cena could have better used his platform.

Here's hoping Cena uses his power and privilege to actually support the people of Ukraine.