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Concert Crowd Goes Wild As Harry Styles Helps Fan Come Out As Gay In Iconic Fashion In Viral Video

Concert Crowd Goes Wild As Harry Styles Helps Fan Come Out As Gay In Iconic Fashion In Viral Video
@pressedpaper/Twitter; @theadammcintyre/Twitter

It's Pride Month and nobody is having a happier one right now than a Harry Styles fan called "Ono."

Harry had a concert over the weekend at Wembly Stadium. During his set, he noticed a fan holding up a sign. Not at all unusual. There are tons of signs at each of his shows.

One particular sign caught his attention, though.

Styles has a history of helping his LGBTQ fans "come out" to people in their lives - and the Wembly show was Ono's turn.

The sign read:

"From Ono To Wembley: Help Me Come Out"

Styles stopped the show to clarify if the fan was, in fact, asking for help to come out as gay to Wembly - and the world.

Ono confirmed it was, which lead to possibly one of the most memorable moments in the show.

Harry, ever the showman, decided to make a game of it.

He grabbed a rainbow flag from someone near the front and explained to Ono and the crowd:

"When this flag goes above my head, you are officially out. I think that's how it works, alright. When this flag goes above the head, you're officially gay, my boy."

Harry then proceeded to, of course, have a bit of fun.

The crowd gave Ono tons of love, playing along with Harry's game by dramatically reacting as Harry moved the flag close to, but not above, his head.

At one point he joked: "Nope, still straight."

The cheer for the final raising of the flag made Ono's official coming out party probably one of the loudest in history.

We don't know who made Harry Styles the official LGBT Outing Assistant, but we kind of love how much joy he takes in the task.

Twitter loves it, too. We already have a .gif and everything!

Congrats to Ono for living authentically and having such an awesome coming out moment.