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Guy Stops To Save Kitten On Side Of The Road—Then Is Quickly Swarmed By An Entire Herd Of Kittens

Guy Stops To Save Kitten On Side Of The Road—Then Is Quickly Swarmed By An Entire Herd Of Kittens

A man was charmed by a kitten he saw on the side of the road and was subsequently ambushed by a bunch of other kittens that were hiding nearby.

Robert Brantley had no idea what was in store when he decided to film the stray kitty. “Left work to go to the range,” he explained in a Facebook post.

“Passed a baby kitten I knew wouldn’t make it through the night and the wife has been wanting a cat for the farm; figured I’d stop and rescue the thing.”

When Brantley picked up the friendly feline, he immediately noticed dozens of other kitty heads popping up out of the grass and scampering towards him.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t take you all,” he said as the kitties lovingly nudged against his ankles.

When TikToker Lauren René Allen shared his video on her page with the caption, “why don’t things like this ever happen to me,” the clip reached viral status with over 20 million views.


God i’ve seen what you’ve done for others. #fyp #kittens (vc: Robert Brantley on Facebook)

Twitter user @najihahshahrel received over a million views by also sharing the video in which she said Brantley “just got scammed by kitten."

People were envious of Brantley's enviable predicament.

It turns out Brantley became a Kitty Daddy to all 13 kittens he encountered on that fateful day.

In a video called, "Aftermath," the kittens seemed to have overtaken his vehicle. “The tactical Honda was not prepared for his,” Brantley joked.

He said his plan was to fatten the kittens up and find them good homes.

Because of his newfound viral fame, Brantley's wife, Courtney, started a TikTok account to share updates on the kittens.

Here is a video of their dog–a blind Catahoula that Brantley also rescued, named "Codi Pig"–with her new young friends in a wagon together.

"She obviously thinks she's their mama now," said Courtney of the mama doggo.


Kitten update! Thank you all so much for all the kind words, advice and love that has been shown! Come be part of this exciting experience with us! Like and follow for part 2. #fyp #kittens #robertbrantley #kittenhero



“We have been completely amazed and humbled by all of the likes and shares, the follows, and the extremely kind words that have been said to Robert for him being recognized just for being the guy that he is," said Courtney.

"So we want to invite you all on this extremely exciting journey that we’re taking with these kittens.”

Oh, we are so on board.