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Former Chiefs Cheerleader Tells Harrison Bukter To 'Stay In Your F**king Lane' In Epic Rant

Stefanie Hills, who was a cheerleader for the Chiefs for six years, spoke out in a scathing TikTok video about how Butker violated company policy in his bigoted graduation speech.

TikTok screenshot of Stefanie Hills; Harrison Butker
@stefhills/TikTok; Luke Hales/Getty Images

A former Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader unloaded on Harrison Butker in a now-viral TikTok rant in which she told the kicker to take his own advice and 'stay in your f**king lane.'

Stefanie Hills, who was a cheerleader for the team for six years, shared company information with the kicker as a helpful "coworker."

In case you haven't been online in the last week and a half, we'll clue you in.

On May 11, Butker delivered a commencement speech at Benedictine College in which he railed against abortion, called Pride month a "deadly sin," and told women that the most important role they can hold is that of a "homemaker."

He also repeatedly advised those he was scorning to "stay in their lane."

So Hills took it upon herself to clue him on how his words and actions breached company policy.

She addressed Butker:

"I would assume we went to the same PR training."
"But since all of that obviously left your f**king brain when you went to give that speech, I thought I'd be a good coworker and share my notes."

Hills continued:

"Biggest takeaway is you now represent a billion dollar organization."
"You are no longer just Harrison Butker. You are now Harrison Butker who plays for the Kansas City Chiefs, and anything you say or do that doesn't align with that brand...will be grounds for termination."

The former cheerleader then took a moment to "dissect some of the language" in the kicker's speech.

"Referring to abortion, IVF, euthanasia and surrogacy as 'degenerate culture values...'"
"Do you see how maybe that doesn't align with, um, the brand?!"

Next, she jumped into the "COVID fiasco" Butker mentioned in the speech, telling him:

"You know we had an entire f**king PR training on COVID, bro. We weren't supposed to talk about it."

She then scolded him for calling members of the LGBTQ+ community "deadly sinners."

And finally, Hills commented on the kicker's remark that a woman's most important title is "homemaker," and suggested Butker seek help.

"I do want to let you know that the Kansas City Chiefs offer a therapist...and I advise that you probably need to unpack that with both professionals."

She signed off by offering Butker a piece of his own advice.

"Kick some balls around...and stay in your f**king lane."

You can watch below.

WARNING: NSFW language


This message is for Harrison Butker. #nflcheerleader #kansascity #harrisonbutker #speech #chiefs

Hills' TikTok has been seen more than 4 million times already, and most of those viewers applauded her for speaking out.









And others agreed that Butker's comments reflect poorly on both himself and the organization and will likely have a major impact on his career.




In a statement released Thursday, Jonathan Beane, NFL senior vice president and chief diversity and inclusion officer, said:

“Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity."
“His views are not those of the NFL as an organization."
"The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Still no word from the Kansas City Chiefs yet...