In society, the word sociopath is sometimes tossed out as an insult. Other times, it's used to describe a person in a non-malicious way but is used incorrectly.
What is a sociopath, really? Sociopaths are people who suffer from a personality disorder that leads to a lack of empathy and a conscience. These people are generally self-aware, and can mimic human emotions, but don't have any of their own.
A sociopath convention would be groups of people in which there are many sociopaths or groups of people that are entirely comprised of sociopaths.
Statistically, 1 in 25 people is a sociopath, meaning any large group could count as a sociopath convention. However, there are groups that are generally considered full of sociopaths.
Those groups were identified when Redditor GoGetEmTiger131 asked:
"What place might as well be a “sociopath convention?"
Beauty Queens
"A child pageant — the parents"
– festivusfinance
"Came here to say this exact thing, I'm so surprised this doesn't have more up votes."
– 100percenthatbitch
"I mean statistically some of those kids must be sociopaths too, right?"
– CmdrShepard831
You're The Top
"sociopaths surround themselves with less powerful people, in my experience. you might find them at the top of nearly any organization, though."
– andariel_axe
"Supposedly they make up the majority of CEOs"
– MaracaBalls
"I stayed at an airport hotel and the conference room was booked for "How to create a submissive Christian wife" or something like that. There was a low tooth-to-head ratio and a distinct lack of chins."
– voice_of_craisin
"I've read a lot of weird stuff, but this made my jaw drop a little."
– Skrp
We Voted Them In
"Any place where politicians gather."
– alwaysright9000
"US Senate"
– tinyorangealligator
"How is this so far down the list?"
"There probably isn't a larger gathering of sociopathic narcissists than a joint session of the US Congress."
– Beasagdeux
"I was gonna say the DNC and RNC."
– Bigdaddyjug77
"I knew this would be at the top but honestly I think there would be more sociopaths at social media influencer convention. That or “life coaches.”"
"I knew two diagnosed sociopaths at my high school. Both became life coaches. I get heavy Manson vibes from their content."
– bombayblue
That Manipulation
"When a group of MLM huns get together in any location on the planet."
– DoubleDeckerz
"Now let's talk about ways to manipulate family and friends to increase sales and even recruit your own worker bees!"
– Cacafuego
Reddit, Of Course!
"(looks around)"
– PoorPDOP86
"Damn roasted an entire platform"
– 1-von
The Whole State
– _kevx_91
"That place is so unbelievably vapid and just odd as hell. It makes Vegas seem reasonable"
– appleparkfive
"I was just gonna say Florida."
– moinatx
"Florida. All of it."
– sandrajumper
Become An Alpha
"We had a local "Alpha Con" here recently. I swear the promo poster was the biggest group of tools I've ever seen.
Edit : turns out it wasn't local. I am even more disgusted. Clearly I didn't do a lot of research into it."
– JayDub506
"Literally any gathering of men where the word “Alpha” is used unironically at any point."
– cryptcreatures
Very Scary
"Primary school / early years teaching or nursing. Some of the nicest people, but every sociopathic / narcissistic woman I've has the misfortune to meet has been one of the two. Careers where someone can have a large amount of power over vulnerable people, where they will generally be believed without question. Lower barrier to entry than other careers with similar amounts of power e.g. CEO."
– worldslastusername
Yeah, I Can See It
"Sports conventions. Anyone who enjoys watching sports is a sadist and anyone who enjoys playing sports is a masochist."
"-Your local lazy person."
– CocaColaStan
"bitcoin/cypto conventions, which essentially are just techbro tupperware or avon parties to chill their little scams"
– No-Bewt
This Should Have Been Obvious
"mcdonalds play area , always smelling like feet"
– youmynega1
Doesn't This Go Without Saying?
"A place that might as well be a "sociopath convention" is any place where sociopaths congregate. This might include places like prisons, mental institutions, or seedy nightclubs."
– MrShitterz
Social Media, Of Course
"Idk Reddit?"
– KxNGsReddit
"Let me enter in one.. Enters this thread"
– Winter2712
"Gun conventions either they really into hunting and guns or they are just insane"
– MelodicTaro9712
"Gun show."
– SimonArgent
Welcome To Hollywood
"I've read a long way down the list and still haven't seen "Hollywood" mentioned..... or maybe I should say "the entertainment industry"".
"They're especially unique because they will actually support causes to create a public image of themselves which isn't genuine."
– PD216ohio
No More Shopping On A Sunday
"Grocery stores on a Sunday afternoon"
– bearsrbig
Their Reputation Precedes Them
"Any kind of car salesman convention. I spent a very short time as a car salesman...let me tell you, most of them deserve the reputation they have. I've never been around so many people that were almost exactly the same."
– Sasselhoff
Learning Who You Are
"That’s, it just school."
– Mythic_7
Well, statistically, that tracks.